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Everything posted by RobHall

  1. The funny thing is....i wrote down all 5 names onto a word document for quick cut/paste about 2 hours ago and still get beat.
  2. K-Dawg, Bobby-D, Mark-I, Dave C and Dave K.
  3. apparently not fast enough
  4. Great Promotion as always, even for those who live in Eastern Ontarion. Hopefully the questions get a little more challenging throughout the day. FOTB
  5. Thanks for all the nice compliments. It means alot. I can just see my father smiling now. I'm proud of my father in so many ways. It just too bad he didn't get the chance to finish what he started and i'm sure he would have painted so much more. I am going to finish his unfinished artwork...no matter how long it takes me. Check out the unfinished artwork here. FOTB
  6. I didn't think they printed Leaf's PO tickets anymore. FOTB
  7. Check out some of my father's wildlife paintings on my blog. I am going to try and finish his 3x unfinished projects or maybe pay someone with a very similar style to complete them. What do think? Not Robert Bateman, but pretty damn good though. FOTB
  8. Munchies...............$2.50 Case of Beer.........$25 Big comfy chair......$250 Big Screen TV........$2500 Watching the Sens play the Pens in what is most likely going to be one of the best 1st round playoff series, while knowing the Leafs are booking Tee times.............PRICELESS !!!! Go Sens Go!!! Golf Leafs Golf!!! FOTB
  9. Good Luck Beerman. As a Sens Fan....I agree with you with your prediction. As much as i would like to see the Sens beat the Pens. I think it will be a long series with the Pens winning the 7th game in OT. Gary Roberts will also play a big role, in once again ending the Sens season early. Then the real 2nd guessing will begin. Muckler will be raked over the coals, for not acquiring Gary Roberts at the trade dealine. The reason is plan and simple...he didn't want to sacrifice the teams future (Patrick Eaves) and overall long term regular season success for someone who he believed was not going to to be an impact player for the Sens in the Playoffs. It's clear to me that Muckler is more conerned with long term regular season success and making the playoffs every year, then with sacrificing some of the Sens youth for a chance at a real Cup run. You can tell that i really wanted the Sens to pick up Roberts, because i believe he has a few more good playoffs games in him. I hope i'm wrong on this obviously, but i just can't shake the feeling that the Pens are a team of destiny this year. How far they go is anyones guess. Go Sens Go!!!! FOTB
  10. Do you know something i don't? I thought Roberts was traded to the Penguins. FOTB
  11. My 3x Dream MMA fights are..... George "Rush" St Pierre vs Diago "Nightmare" Sanchez This would be an excellent matchup. Here you have the current welterweight champ and an up an coming MMA fighter who has been turning heads in the UFC. St Pierre lists his strengths as "Takedowns, ground-n-pound and overall strength. Sanchez lists his strengths as "ground-n-pound and speed". Sanchez has not lost an MMA fight (19-0) and St Pierre (13-1) just recently beat the crap out of Matt Hughes. I think this fight may be one of the best....if and when it happens. I think the winner of the Sanchez vs Koscheck fight should be next in line for a shot at the UFC welterweight title. Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell vs Quinton "Ramage" Jackson Chuck Liddell (20-3) only has one unavenged loss and that is to Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (26-6). I think this MMA matchup will be a another great fight. I also think Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell will knock him out in the late rounds to avenge is only loss. This rematch is confirmed for May 26th @ UFC 71. I can't wait. Fedor "The Russian Experiment" Emelianenko vs Kevin "Grizzly" Adams The only reason why i picked this fight is because there is no human MMA fighter on the planet who can beat Fedor. I would give this hairy guy a chance though. However i still think Fedor knocks him out or turns him into a pretzel. FOTB
  12. Here's another one..... One day, Satan was out for a walk through Hell, making sure things were running smoothly. When he got to the Lake of Fire, he saw a man sitting by the lake, relaxing in a lawn chair, and not sweating or looking uncomfortable at all. Perplexed, Satan approached the man and asked: "Young man, are you not hot or bothered by this heat?" The man replied, "Oh no, not at all. I lived in downtown Ottawa and this weather is just like a typical July day in the city." Satan thought that this was not a good sign, so he rushed back to his office and turned up the heat in Hell another 100 degrees. Satisfied with himself, he again returned to the Lake of Fire to check on the young man. When he got there, the man was showing a few beads of sweat, but that was all. Again Satan asked the Ottawa native, "Are you hot and uncomfortable yet?" The young man looked up and said, "No, the temperature is just like a hot August day in Ottawa. I'm coping it just fine." Satan decided that he had to do something drastic to make this man's stay in Hell unpleasant. He went back to his office, turned the heat all the way down, and then turned up the air conditioning. The temperature in Hell quickly dropped well below zero. As he approached the Lake of Fire, he noticed that it was now frozen over. He also saw the young man jumping up and down wildly, waving his arms and yelling into the air. "This looks promising!" thought Satan. Coming closer, he finally made out what the man was shouting: "The Leafs have won the Stanley Cup! The Leafs have won the Stanley Cup!" FOTB
  13. Here are a few jokes. What do the Leafs and The Titanic have in common? - They both look good until they hit the ice. Do you know how many leafs it takes to win the Stanley Cup? - No? Me neither. Why is the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto? - It's the only way the Stanley Cup will ever be in Toronto. Why don't the Maple Leafs drink tea? - Because the Canadiens have all the cups. Whats the difference between the Leafs and a cigarette machince? - The cigarette machince has PLAYER'S. Here is my answer to OP...... FOTB
  14. I heard about this on the radio this morning and just had to check it out. Not sure if anyone else posted this, as a search turned up nothing. I think it's a great parody and will probably be one of the top viewed video's on Youtube in no time. A big from me!! <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> FOTB
  15. I would guess you will be staying at Bluffy Lake Lodge. One thing i can say.....Both the Wenesaga River & the White Mud River provide boat access to Ogani & White Mud Lake from Bluffy Lake. There is excellent Walleye and Northern Pike fishing in all 3 lakes, as well as the rivers. You have lots of spots to choose from. My brother went up there in 2004 and i recall him saying the fishing was was excellent on Bluffy and the cabins were very clean. He mentioned something about taking an ATV and a boat to get to the cabins. I can't offer much more then that. FOTB
  16. Give them to BITEME as he came the closest to 54", after the answer was revealed. I should have checked where it was being held, before i responded. My apologies. Sucks to live in Ottawa sometimes....Especially when there are opportunities like this. Oh well. Enjoy BITEME. FOTB
  17. 54" ?? Edit: Sorry can't go. My apologies. prob wrong anyways. FOTB
  18. That was an interesting read Lew. Photometric Analysis being used to cast serious doubts about the supposed 25lb walleye caught in Tennesse. I wonder if the IGFA will follow suit eventually and recognize the 22 lb 11 ounce walleye caught in Arkansas as the World Record. Based on what i read....i believe that the Tennesee walleye was less then 20 pounds and therefore should not be considered the World Record by the IGFA. I wonder what others on this board think? Agree? Disagree? FOTB
  19. The WR LMB is 22lb 9 ounces and was caught in Montgomery Lake, Georgia. This record has stood for 75 years and if it is ever broken it will be in a lake in the south eastern part of the states (Florida, Georgia, etc) The WR SMB is 10lb 14 ounces and was caught in Dale Hollow, TN. This record has stood for 38 years and if it is broken it will most likely come from some in the mid to south eastern states (Tennesse, Georgia, Alabama, Florida or South Carolina). The WR Yellow Perch is 4lb 3 ounces and was caught in Bordentown, NJ. This record has stood for 142 years and by the looks of it, it may be a long time before this record is broken. The WR Northern Pike is 55lb 1 ounce and was caught in Lake of Grefeern, Germany. This record has stood for over 20 years and if it is broken it will most likely be in Europe somewhere. The WR Walleye is 25lb and was caught in Old Hickory Lake, Tennesse. This record has stood for 47 years and when this record is broken it will most likely be somewhere in the mid to south eastern states (Tennesse, Georgia, Alabama, Florida or South Carolina). The WR Channel Cat is 58lb and was cuaght in Santee-Cooper Res, SC. This record has stood for 43 years and if it is ever broken it will most likely come from the south eastern states (Tennesse, Georgia, Alabama, Florida or South Carolina). The WR Carp is 87 lbs (?) and was caught somewhere in France. This record will most likely be broken soon and it will most likely be broken in France, Gemany or England. The WR Lake Sturgeon is 168lbs and was caught in Georgian Bay. This recoard has stood for 25 years and if it is broken, it will most likely come from one of the great lakes. My 2 cents FOTB
  20. I posted a blog entry about this topic. Here are my top 5. I'm surprised not many mention the French River when discussing world record musky. I'm heading up there at the end of June and there's a monster musky with my name on it. 1. St Lawrence River 2. Georgian Bay 3. Ottawa River 4. French River 5. Lake Nipissing 6. Lake St. Clair FOTB
  21. I've read many fishing reports and this report has to rank up as as one of the best if not the best i've ever read. Great report, nice fish and amazing pics, thanks for sharing. FOTB
  22. Welcome aboard Barnie's Band of Gold. Kick your shoes off any stay awhile. This is a great fishing community. FOTB
  23. Congrats on your PB. Great report and nice bow. The only question that remains now is, how long before bly tops that? FOTB
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