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Everything posted by RobHall

  1. I've never been that impressed with Silvia. However I must admit i did not give Couture much of a chance against Silvia. Not a bad accomplishment for a 43 year old recently unretired MMA fighter. How long he stays UFC Heavyweight Champ is another matter. If Dana White can convince Fedor to come to the UFC, then things will get really interesting. I don't see anyone that can stop this Russian monster. FOTB
  2. I saw it and think Ruff, Peters and Mair should all get suspended. Chris Neil lays a good shoulder check on Chris Drury, exactly one second after he released the puck (forward momentum). In my books that was not a late hit or a dirty hit. It was unfortunate that Drury got hurt/cut when he hit the ice. He had his chin strap undone, so his helmet came off when Neil came in with the clean shoulder check. What Ruf did was completely unacceptable. He tells his 3x goons to go out and run their skill players. Peters and Mair go after Heatly and Spezza (def non fighters). Emery and Biron go at it and Emery takes him down quickly. Then you have the goon Peters looking to fight someone else, so he comes at Emery who was about to go at it with Biron again. Real tough guy that goon is. He's got his helmet on still (all nice and protected), and Emery at least is smart enough to not start hitting this goons Helmet. If you are gonna fight, take off you damn helmet wimp. I'd like to see how well Peters would do against Emery, with goalie equipment on. As far as the rematch goes? I think the NHL will send a warning to both teams, in an effort to head off another Ott vs Flyers brawl. I'm sure we all remember that one. Here's the video of last nights brawl. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANWR93n-OIQ"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANWR93n-OIQ"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANWR93n-OIQ" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> Here's the Ott vs Flyers Brawl. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> FOTB
  3. Excellent Pics Cliff and great report!! Thanks for sharing. FOTB
  4. No problem Bitsmith2K. I would have to say he is one of my favs too. I agree the fight with the 400lb zulu was a good one and the randleman fight wasnt bad either. FOTB
  5. I think you are right about Matt Lindland being too small for Fedor. Just take a look at these Feder highlights and tell me what you think. Matt will be beat badly. Got to give it to him though....he is stepping in with one of the best, if not the best heavyweight out there today in my opinion. He hasnt lost an MMA fight since late in 2000. He's beaten many great fighters like Cro Cop, Mark Coleman twice, Renato Sobral, Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira to name a few. With Feder at 230 lbs, Lindland will giving up 20 to 30 lbs if he comes in at his target weight. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXC-tUwfeVE"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXC-tUwfeVE"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXC-tUwfeVE" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> FOTB
  6. Thanks for sharing. The "Learning how to Skate" video of you daughter was awesome. The pic of your daughter and her first fish is priceless too. The smile says it all. FOTB
  7. I click on the 20,000,000 thread to check out the last post and noticed something at the bottom of the page. Now I can say...i will fovever be apart of OFC history, as OFC surpasses the 20,000,000 page load milestone. What do i win? How about an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas with $1000 spending money. FOTB
  8. I'd say probably less then 20 minutes to hit 20,000,000.....that's alot of page loads. Congrats on the new milestone. I'm sure the next 20 mil will come alot faster. FOTB
  9. It's all good Terry. I've got really thick skin. However..i was annoyed at someones comment that i should'nt be making suggestions on this forum, having been a member for only 2 weeks. If that's the case....then I will just keep any thoughts to myself, for fear of ruffling someones feathers. FOTB
  10. Yes....you definitely don't want to stir the pot around here. You make a suggestion and you get a glare right back at you. FOTB No problem. Always willing to help. FOTB Great sense of "haha" CH. FOTB
  11. My apologies if i stepped out of line. I was merely making a suggestion...that i thought was a good idea. If it has been brought up in the past and shot down, then again i apologize for posting such a stupid idea. I guess i should wait until i've been around for a few years before i make any suggestions on this forum. FOTB
  12. I was wondering what everyone else thoughts were on having an "Off Topic" & "Fishing Reports" subforum under the general discussion forum? Instead of putting the (nf) in the title of every thread....why not just create a subforum (Off Topic) where members can discuss things that have nothing to do with fishing. Instead of sifting through mutiple threads to find a specific fishing report you were looking at 2 weeks ago. Why not create a "Fishing Reports" subforum. This way it would make it more convenient for those who like to read these reports and look at pics, as well as those who like to post reports. These are just a suggestions. FOTB
  13. What is the price range of the under water cameras? Just curious. fishinonthebrain
  14. IMHO...i think posting a thread on a fishing forum like OFC about having a friendly online poker tournament , is not that big a deal. Maybe there should be an OT subforum. It's an opportunity for some OFC members (over 18) to get to together online for a game of (low limit) NL Holdem. It's an opportunity for some OFC members to get together and have fun and do something other then fishing. I like to compare it to the "swills" that are pinned as something other then fishing. You can talk/chat about fishing while at a swill, just as well as you can while playing poker. I'm sure many members of OFC, like to play the odd game of poker now and again. I'm also sure many members play poker online as well. I did not see any links to any poker sites in the deleted thread in question. I did not see any indication in the thread that OFC was sponsoring this online poker tournament and giving out OFC merchandise to the top 3 or whatever. I do not see any banners on this forum, indicating you support online poker in any way. So what's the big deal? Using the arguement...that the site is hosted in the US, and that because of the recent crackdowns on online gambling in the US, it's not in the best interests of this site to allow an "online poker" thread to be posted in the forum...is rather extreme/paranoid. This is just my opinion. The one thing that should have been done, was to create a name for the tournament....a name that had nothing to do with OFC. Other than that i really saw no reason to remove the thread. fishinonthebrain
  15. Thats a good idea. Just shoot a quick email to support and ask them to change the name. I'm sure they can do it. Maybe change it to one of your earlier suggestions..."The Angler Assassins" Poker Tournament. fishinonthebrain
  16. It was no surprise to me, when i realized the "poker" thread was removed. This type of thing is best handled via PM's. I do not like to see underage gambling in any way, shape or form and posting a thread about an online gambling event, would most certainly attract many peeps under the age of 18....especially on a fishing forum like OFC. I know there were a few who were interested. Anyone needing the date, time and password for this event....just shoot me a PM. There is already 7 registered. 18 or over please!! OFC Name..........................Pokerstars Name xrap................................................PUFFFSHADY charlesn...........................................Bassin_Guy Dutch...............................................Dutch_ca RickOnt SHAD Terry Carp Bill Parker..................................huntervasili DanC Puckhead Robin........................................Robin1971 trophymuskie.............................Ace Collin mdj moosehead silveradosheriff Harrison....................................Swiftsetter brookieman ffej dow33 dobee.......................................joeheartsdi fishinonthebrain.......................$ammy$taxxx tacklebuster Jer terry71 fishless fishinonthebrain
  17. Checked it out online as well. WOW!!!!....is all can say. Maybe i should spend more time fishing the Ottawa. Hopefully a trip up to the french river, will be a memorable one this June. Thanks for making these available online....great quality video. Someday soon i will be looking to book Marc Thorpes guiding service. So he can hook me up with those monsters too fishinonthebrain
  18. especially when it comes to ice thickness. Unfortunately this guy found out the hard way..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Roq0BorTPWI fishinonthebrain
  19. Hi crusty, Where in Ottawa is there Ice? fishinonthebrain
  20. Welcome aboard muskiesRus. I'm looking forward to some St. Lawrence River Musky Reports.
  21. Man that sucks. Your heart was in the right place Lew. Unfortunately things didnt work out for the poor little critter.
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