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Everything posted by RobHall

  1. So technically speaking the guy who posted this video is half right, as a tiger musky is Pike/Musky mix. Something that I just recently learned, was the fact that this hybrid breed is sterile. fishingonthebrain
  2. I was thinking the same thing. You can briefly see the markings. Good eye FishFinder. fishingonthebrain
  3. Was browsing Youtube and came across this video. I replayed it several times and think it's a musky, not a Pike. It was a very quick strike, but i think you see it long enough to tell it's a Musky. Any comments? Am i seeing things? fishinonthebrain
  4. It pains me when i see video like the one below. The idiot takes a measurement while the Musky is lying on the bottom of a dirty boat. He defended his actions and used the argument, that the Musky was only out of the water for about 2 minutes. I'd say this Musky chances of survival were slim to none. It's people like this, that need to have their heads shoved underwater for 2 minutes to see how it feals. End Rant. fishinonthebrain
  5. I'd like to eventually make it up to one if these G2G's. It sounds like a great time is had by all. I'll target June 2008 and hope to make it up. fishinonthebrain
  6. Anytime and Anywhere...cause i gotz fishin on the brain. fishinonthebrain
  7. Thanks for the info Rich. I'm thinking the Black Flies won't be too bad at the end of June. Especially with a possible early sping, with the way the weather has been going. I guess this would mean an earlier spawning season in most waters. I just hope the weather is stable and the bite is on, come late June. fishinonthebrain Thanks for the info Dave. The OFC community has been very helpful and i'm sure by the time i head up to the French River in late June, i will have my week all planned out on where to go and what to fish. fishinonthebrain
  8. Nice ski Raf!! Hopefully i catch one just like in late June. Cranes looks like a great spot, being situated on Commanda Island. I know exactly where it is and plan to fish many different areas. I hear alot about the Five Finger Rapids as well as the Chaudiere Channel leading up to the rapids and the far end of the North Channel right up to the Cedar Rapids. (see map) I had no idea that parts of the french river was in excess of 110'. That's good to know and i will certainly be very cautious when boating. My dumb ass and GPS will get some got use on this fishing trip. Still 6 1/2 months to go. Hopefully the time will just fly by. fishinonthebrain Thanks for the info Ken. I will certainly take your advice and fish the far end of the North Channel. I also plan on hitting the Five Finger Rapids and Chaudiere Channel. I will hit you up with an email if i need more info. fishinonthebrain
  9. GO LEAFS GO??? Isnt it Gone Leafs Gone? Thanks for the info woodro. I think i checked out Lockhaven, but was not too keen on not being able to drive right up to the cabin. I suppose it's okay, if you're travelling light. Sounds like it will be well worth the trip, with a great chance to catch a monster musky and a few eyes. fishinonthebrain
  10. Hello OFNers, I'm a new member here. I live in Ottawa, work at HP and love to fish as much as humanly possible. I have both light and heavy fishing equipment and spend 50% of my time fishing for the ever so elusive monster musky. The kind that make your heart pound and your eyes pop out of their socket. I have managed to squeeze in 2x 1 week fishing trips every year, for the past 7 years. We started out on the west arm (Welcome Lodge) for 4 years (caught my 1st musky in 2002, near Musky Island) and then moved to Rice Lake (some lunker Bass here) for one year and Restoule lake (not much luck here) for another year and now the gang has decided to try some river fishing in 2007. After some debate we decided to hit the French River, near Wolseley Bay. We will be heading up in late June and I was curious as to what the average depth was for the following areas. Deep Points? Shallow Points? Main Channel, North Channel and Wolseley Bay. Has anyone fished this area during this past summer or in previous years. If so, what has the fishing been like the last couple of years. Any erea in particular, that may produce an eye popping musky or some decent walleye? Thanks in advance, fishinonthebrain
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