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Everything posted by RJackson

  1. Apologies to the admin at OFC if this ruffles any feathers... Rob has posted an explanation as to where things are at with the site. Coles notes version is the provider lost the database of 12 years of content. Can you imagine. Rob is weighing his options at this point as to what course to take moving forward. His message is here... http://www.fish-hawk.net/ RJ
  2. Lakes North of Kingston have em with the Ontario record coming from Dog Lake. I've caught a handful while bass fishing on a flippin jig. They are a really cool fish and once ya spot em they aren't too tough to convince to eat. St. Lawrence also has a great population! RJ
  3. JB's had em at the Carp Show last weekend. Give em a call.
  4. The best places in Ontario have been mentioned already. How do you plan to get around the 13% when you hit the border or when you have it shipped up? Also state sales tax is in play sometimes too. Online deals out of the US often turn out to be not so sweet sometimes....just a heads up! RJ
  5. One of our funnest trips of the winter and we didn't even catch a fish! Joined our friends Darren and Sherry to a piece of heaven they've stumbled onto....we knew we were in for a treat when this guy greeted us on the way up. Like I said the fishing was tough for us....this could be why... Darren and Sherry each got a nice fish each just to coax us into coming back 100%! Likely the highlight of my ice fishing season was having a visitor on the ice....yes two Moose sightings in one day. I was getting desperate! HELLO?!?!?!?! Wrapping up my ice season with this trip was great. Laid back and relaxed was the plan and it worked out great. Time to wet the Lund! RJ
  6. Great logo, nice and clean! RJ
  7. Awesome report Mike. Some great steel and amazing photos. Good on you boys! RJ
  8. You were in that much of a rush to get home from Florida Louis? Pay the fine and you'll be fine, don't and get caught in PA again and you could be on the next episode of "Cops". RJ
  9. Thanks for the welcome folks! Roy, no Habs jersey for this fella! Though I'd love to see a Sens/Habs playoff series.... RJ
  10. Currently sit on the FMZ18 panel up here in Eastern Ontario. Feels great to give back and hear the ins and outs of the resource, good or bad. RJ
  11. I used the 7'11" Shimano Crucial Heavy action last year. Real light, yet powerful stick. I'd say if you were to lower your budget on rod or reel on your combo I'd say the reel for sure. Having a nice light rod for all day flipping will make for a more "Easy on the body" day! RJ
  12. Mary's got a big Ol Butt! Awesome fish! RJ
  13. Hey fellas, Well I have to be honest. I've had an account on OFC since 2007 and have enjoyed reading the site through the years. Yes even the "tiller" conversations! Even got a kick out of how to fix my furnace, my dishwasher or what song everyone was listening to! Enjoyed many of the regular posters reports like the Solopaddler's wild trips and Lew in the old days when he'd post a big ol smiling pic of himself and a Muskie. Heck even BBR's Rock Bass reports caught my eye! Not a week went by that I didn't check in to see what you guys were up to. Things change and relationships get built and when Roy posted today congratulating me on being on Marc Thorpes' show it kinda hit me. Why am I not contributing on the biggest fishing site in the province? That changes today! A little intro, I'm lucky enough to spend roughly 130-140 days on the water and ice, pretty supportive partner I have. She joins me often as well as you'll see if future reports I'm sure. We target everything that swims up this way! Some photos below to highlight my ice season this past winter. We had loads of ice up this way (still do) so the season has been a long and successful one. I mainly target panfish thru the ice but do a few trips for Walleye and Lakers to change it up. Some of the highlights.... If you ever seen anything in a report you are curious about, fire away! A few weeks left of ice left so hoping to get out a few more times for sure..... RJ
  14. Wow Roy. Thanks. Joining Marc for the day was a blast. We have plans to get out again in the Spring. Maybe it's time to start posting a few reports on here, hope the ol crew ain't too hard on me! RJ
  15. I'm up in Eastern Ontario and like Slop mentioned you are hard pressed to catch a Crappie in the daytime. The few exceptions are in areas where the water clarity is poor, then it is mainly a daytime bite. Tiny glow jigs and fresh maggots lured these ladies to snack. I could go on and on about Crappies, to me the toughest fish to consistently catch under ice. RJ
  16. Hirk, Do you know where I could access those studies? I'd love to give em a read. The thinking in FMZ18 was that there was no way anyone wanted to risk putting the fishery as it is in any distress. A week earlier and two weeks later seemed like a good fit. In 18 we aren't dealing with large lakes for the most part. Our precious cottage lakes in the area would take a serious beating. RJ
  17. I fished it last year and have about a dozen times in the past. PM away.. RJ
  18. If you owned a smartphone I'd suggest the Navionics App for a whopping $15. There's your GPS and mapping covered off. Best deal there is! I'd go flasher if you planned to use it for ice fishing only. FL18 or FL20 will do the trick for all depths. RJ
  19. Jamie, I'd suggest you do some research on the matter before you make that assumption that our waters can handle it. Large bodies of water could MAYBE handle it a bit better but smaller cottage lakes? No one knows the effects of NY's decision to open that up as of yet....takes a long time for that to become apparent. Why would anyone want to risk the level of outstanding Bass fishing we have in Ontario so we can fish em for a few more months? It was suggested at the FMZ18 meetings that we may be able to consider that but once the biologist showed us the impact of a fish being pulled from a bed for as little as 30 seconds it was a non starter. RJ
  20. I've fished out of that rig. Comfy and Ed took great care of it. Enjoy! RJ
  21. Nice fish Larry! Get yourself a tripod, though I do like that shot. This past week has been the best stretch of weather for it I've seen. Oh and I happen to have been on holidays for it! RJ
  22. I gave this line a shot last fall late in the season. I was very impressed with its casting ability. I was bombing crankbaits with it and it was almost casting too far. Anxious to give it a go this spring. RJ
  23. Cayo Coco is our destination of choice! Being so close to the airport is a big plus to us, no bumpy 90 drive to the resort. You land and 45 mins later you are beachside sipping on a beverage. Like other have said plenty of fishing opps nearby. Pilar Beach is another option which is not far from your resort. Here's a report from our last trip... My link Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions! Enjoy your trip....we'll be back in Feb! RJ
  24. Like I said I find no difference with several 30 pounders coming on that rig. And I ALWAYS fish out of the bait....usually about 10 feet or so........ RJ
  25. Our Carp here are nowhere near as skeptical of baits as they are in the UK. There really is no reason to use any bait other than regular boiled whole Corn. I've tried most and have found absolutely zero difference in the catch rate. I always use 2 whole kernels and 2 floating Corn. Sits up straight everytime ready to be sucked in. Can't wait for my first run! RJ
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