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Everything posted by blaque

  1. I Like the largemouth mailbox lol. Still doesnt look very lived in or "homie" I spoke with Frank as well about the life of a lodgeowner as another friend of mine bought a place up near Elliot Lake. (which coincidentally frank looked at before he bought promise land) Frank had exactly the same to say about it as my friend. Its work work work from sunrise to sunset and beyond. 7 days a week. And Frank aint kiddin , i didnt see him stop for more than 5 minutes at a time lol. And that was usually just to stop on the deck and sit and talk with us to make sure we were enjoying ourselves. Other than that it was cuttin the grass........spreading topsoil..........getting boats ready for arrivals the next morning..........checking people in........cleaning fish............etc etc etc..........Most people when looking at those who own a camp or lodge think of it as glamorous, i know i did, "Living the dream" if you will...........which im sure you get alot of satisfaction out of it, but as all lodge owners mention, it is a lifestyle........one that doesnt make you much money. Once you start to get a bit saved up off the lodge, it goes right into the lodge for something. Hopefully all his hard work got him something when it sold. Its a shame to see them go.
  2. WOW, that is terrible news. I visited him and Claire last spring for a week trip and they were by far the most enjoyable host/hostess i have ever met and ive been doing spring trips to many camps over the years and met alot of owners. Frank was wonderful in all aspects and REALLY has impecible people skills!!! He was truly concerned with our comfort, enjoyment and ability to have a succesful trip.........absolutely a wonderful pair that really seemed passionate about their lifestyle......i hope they are at least going to be back someday or continue at another lodge somewhere. I was planning on going back this summer but i dunno, they were half the reason i wanted to return. Ive jumped around alot and really thought i found a place i could settle on going every year.....this is really bad news. Well, i guess all i can say, is good luck to them both....they are wonderful people. Very Sad Hey Bernie, did they finish that monster log home they were working on around the corner from Promise Land last spring yet Im gonna miss this guy at the camp as well, im sure hes not happy about leaving the Lake
  3. was this a thin oil or a thick grease that you applied
  4. Sounds like suction at work to me also. Although i wouldnt have thought it would be so great that you cant get the rod sections apart. Strange
  5. i dont do alot of shore casting for steel, but do live in the rivers all fall/winter/and spring. So im no expert.........however Most pier/shore fishing at river mouths is done casting hardware, not still fishing. Not to say you cannot still fish a bag under a float (sinking bag) or a weighted bottom rig with a bag (floating bag to get it off bottom). But they arent my first choice......first off, a bag under a flaot......would not do well if there was any chop on teh water as your float would be bobbing with the waves on teh surface and inturn would be making your presentation look like a yo-yo. Fishing eggs from teh bottom up may be a more successful tactic. But again.......your not covering much water or looking for fish that way......your waiting for them to find you as you sit in one spot. I would get some of the popular casting lures for the river mouths such as spoons (cleos, ko wobblers etc) or some stick baits.......Rapala J-11's or 13's jointed are a good choice. Large Vibrax spinners, rattle traps.......the list goes on.........but i would say casting and covering water is a much better bet for these guys at the mouths. As far as time of year........i know browns on the south shore of ontario (my area) will be doing well very soon if not already at the mouths.......and the steelhead will be dropping back into the lake as well and feeding as they exit the creeks in and around the piers and river mouths so go for it. If waters are stained go with big flourescents with rattlers , anything big , bright, and that makes alot of noise........if your fishing clear conditions..........downsize your presentation to match
  6. yup, i get it now, (the currency reference......not the video LOL) i was watching it while you responded........figured it had to be hidden in one of the links.
  7. Im confuzzled
  8. Well respected and very well liked down here in the states as well. Im only a boat ride across the niagara river before im in canada, but still..........the man is a legend and i dont know of anyone who ever said they didnt like the guy. Straight shooter for sure........and a wonderful canadian spokesperson.
  9. Just georgeous!! Have a bachelors in Architecture and can really appreciate the design of each and every space in the design........a true show piece, but with most contemporary designs, ya dont get that comfy cozy homey feeling from it. Which is fine........its like a show car that you just dont drive. Great for a snobby corporate cocktail party though lol. Seriously though, that is an absolutely georgeous structure!!!!!!!! And something to be gushingly proud of Gerritt.
  11. Exactamundo! lol
  12. Hmmm, i didnt see the hit last night but you tubed it. Looked clean to me. I think alfredson was his own worst enemy on that one......looked like a situation where He ran into Bell alot harder than Bell ran into him. Alfie had the momentum, Bell just stopped his momentum. It wasnt like Bell ran him, bell was coasting and never changed direction and daniel came in his direction so he stiffened up his shoulder and brick walled him. I dunno, any hit like that where a helmet goes flying and its a star laying on the ice is going to be questioned, i thought it was on teh side of a good hit. Im not a leafs fan so i dont know Bells reputation.
  13. Love the gulp gobies out on erie for PIG smallmouth. Used to use live leeches almost exclusively, but have switched to soft plastic drop shotting and use anything from power leeches to the gulp goby. The goby is a bigger bait therefore most times will hook the bigger slobs.....one downfall that is mentioned, is that it is not a soft plastic and will become easier to degrade and rip off the hook as you use it
  14. those are freaking hilarious....i was worried about the snow dog havin trouble breathin at times, thats gotta be tough gettin air wiith all that snow up your nose. But he kept divin back in. LOVE those videos, as someone said, something about a naive goofy dog that just makes ya smile even on the toughest days LOL They're even cuter than the kid in the sling shot video. Id watch this stuff all day long.
  15. <Prayers going out for the little one>
  16. i was gonna say.......i didnt know anyone actually tried rolling it up with their thumbs......Im a bottom teeth guy myself.
  17. 10730 level 14, the croc is key! lol
  18. Dang, bowshep beat me to white caps while i was typin lol. That was my favorite
  19. White Knuckles (rippin across those erie swells at 35 mph) Wallhead (walleye/steelhead) Steeleye (same premise reversed) 2 for 2 (2 boys after 2 species) Pick.....errrrr.....Walleye Pickeye (pickeral/walleye) Erie-sistable Erie-placeable White Noise White Nights White-Caps Will continue thinkin, this is fun lol
  20. Gerritt......I dont know how to post Youtube vids like you, so heres a link, but check out this guy who covered Orestes by APC, its truly moving!
  21. I hear ya, I do........I listen to alot of heavy stuff.......with questionable meaning to it. Bands that represent nothing of what i am personally interested in or follow as far as the subject matter of the song. I often try to learn these same songs on guitar just because they are TOO cool to play lol. But i do feel a little guilty supporting the message sometimes. And im not pointing out Tool or APC this time but some of the music i listen too I certainly wouldnt approve the young ones listening too. Thats where i have to be careful! lol Cant be any worse than this sex crazed pop crap that they pump into the kids these days though.
  22. 'Tool', as well as 'A Perfect Circle', definitely have outrageous talent. They've got an amazingly distinct sound and feel to their music. One of a kind for SURE! The boys are DEEP! Although, there are argueably some Atheist overtones in some of thier lyrics which turns me off. Doesnt discount their abilities as musicians though.
  23. Confirmed....dont even take a shot at it. Trying to make 2 cards will leave you with 0 cards. From what i understand anyway
  24. WOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW is that gonna SUCK when the plow goes by !!!!
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