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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Dude, i almost pissd myself, i forgot about the terry tate thing, didnt even cross my mind.
  2. Im a paranoid worry wart with all that stuff too when it comes to my pets........Luckily its never happened, mainly because i had the same practices as you.........always keep my stuff in the boat if it has stuff tied to it, and in the side compartments....and if its comin in the house, its gotta be stripped of any hooks , for that main reason........the cats. Its common sense really. Hopefully this unfortunate event will instill in your sons head, that you ask him to do things for a reason. If it doesnt sink in this time, pop a treble thru his lip and forefinger and start jiggling the lures frantically, maybe it'll sink in to put the rods out of reach next time. Sorry, not to be harsh, but im feeling your anger as i know what its like to be ignored by the young ones!!! Hope he at least gets a big fat I told you so!
  3. Avery is an idiot, and i would feel the same if he came to Buffalo. Same as i felt for Barnaby when he was in buffalo. Both idiots. Heck if i knew i could pull that paycheck for learning how to skate and pester guys that were really trying to play the game and use their talents in a professional arena, i would have laced up my skates a little earlier in life lol. Ive got a 9 year old nephew in travel right now, Id hate for him to see or think that he could make it into the NHL with just settleing for mediocre skills, .....but If i could go wave my arms in front of the goalie, or talk Sh&% about the centermans wife, or basically become a disrespectful spectacle punk of a human being, that could be my ticket to ACHIEVE MY DREAM of being an NHL player!! Some of these guys dont deserve the honor in my opinion. "Hes got a job and does it well"??? Its a shame that the NHL has a job opening of this nature.
  4. I second that, What What?
  5. Dude i gotta give it to ya for "Best 1st post" That was literally the funniest thing i have seen in a LONG time!!!!!
  6. Yeah , theres some good water downstream for sure. One area I looked at over the weekend looks like it is not flowing as nicely as it had in years past. Ive spent alot of time searching for close to home areas on cayuga, and have found some nice holes, and ALOT of frog water lol. Ill keep an eye out for your results......good luck this weekend. I hope to get out sunday and will also throw up a report.
  7. Yeah, Cayuga isnt my first choice.........and was actually pretty dismal for me last season, but like you say, when time is short.......and the gas tank is low, ill jump around at Cayuga to get a fix lol. I remember when people didnt even know steelhead ran that stream. Man, the looks i would get when someone walking the sidewalk above at the dam would see me playing a monster steelhead LOL. Those days are long gone, and i dont fish that area much anymore based on the crowds. Theres better water to fish on Cayuga anyway. But yes, i do have a floatation device also lol, head out of Small Boat Harbor quite often in the summers for those Mega smallies, not set up to troll however, so my walleye fishing on erie is limited to drifting for them early in the spring and sometimes troll harnesses and bottom bouncers with the electric when they are shallower around that time of year as well, when conditions allow.
  8. Yeah but look at our side of Niagara Falls, and look at your side of Niagara Falls lol. You guys have a little wonderland tourist destination and we have one big glass square in the form of a casino and the rest is an eyesore. lol
  9. Im right near the corner of the other french and transit, (old french by antoinettes) this is getting eireeeee lol. And yes, ill be out on the streams all fall,winter, and spring. I was out this weekend scouting around some of the more local streams with my little nephew to no avail.
  10. Hey Tip Up, surprised to see Cheektavegas in an avatar on this board lol........im right down the street.
  11. Right On Brutha ( and i love the snow regardless, so send it down here)
  12. This is what comes up when trying to type the letter B with a parenthesis after it:
  13. Love the eddie van halen cigarette thru the string lol.....although im sure even eddie was influenced to do so by someone. Wonder who came up with that, theres a trivia question lol
  14. LOL
  15. I totally understand what your saying , totally. In fact i was sampling the BOSS unit right next to a guy playing a les paul clean thru a marshall stack, dunno what head but regardless.......he had it at very high volumes.........i could barely hear myself which was a pain in the arse seeing as how i was trying to buy something and test its sound, and ive got this guy blaring blues riffs in my ear. But at the same time as i was huffing and puffing that i couldnt hear a thing, i thought.........My god is the tone coming out of that thing absolutely beautiful......and i mean, georgeous........I almost just got up and walked out of the store with nothing, LOL A) i cant play that way lol and B.....i cant afford the tone that this set up was producing. Based on the guitar it was coming out of, the head and the amp as well. Im just not in the market nor am i a professional musician, but it pained me to hear what i want so bad, but know ill never spend the money to get, just cant as a hobbyist, if i had a band, and played out, and was pursuing trying to make a living in this arena, and more than that, i was a better guitar player, i would let that all try and influence me to reconsider lol, but I just play around and do it for fun, I already have an amp, already have a guitar, so i figured this would be something fun to add to the mix. I would prefer to buy one of each single stomp box effect, but id definitely be in the poor house lol, so i dunno, as you said, Its a jack of all trades...all tied up in one neat nice package, which i like..........and its good enough for me playin in my back room lol. So i def. hear ya, i dont get the amp models on the multi effects units either, I fully doubted that i can get a Vintage Vox amp out of my amp lol
  16. Hmmmm, ive not seen this amp.....looks sweet. I played with one of the modeling amps, Line 6 Spider 3, and it was pretty decent.
  17. Its the Genesis 3 Raf just so you know. I didnt get to play on the POD X3, as my guitar center didnt have one in the store. But have heard good reviews
  18. Thanks, ill watch those, i wanted to really settle in and get some popcorn going and a couple friends over and dig right in as opposed to sittin at my computer watchin a little youtube screen. But this will work too.
  19. Hey guys, theres been some guitar chatter goin on here and there lately, so i thought id post up a new piece of gear i just picked up this week. The BOSS GT-10 Multi Effects Processor. Aint she sweet!!!!! 200 effect patches, phrase looper with 38 seconds of record time, and just so much to play with.......almost too much. The looper is definitely the most fun, i can record a backing track right to the pedal, play it back and it just loops over and over, and layer a "bass" track on top of that with the fretless Bass Guitar effect (yes, playing fretless bass on my electric guitar lol) so now i have two phrases looping on top of one another, then layer over that some soloing......and just keep going and recording on top of it with simple harmonic fills or whatever, you can just keep layering and recording on top, or just play along with the recorded track you make.......its the coolest thing. I can hook this up thru a USB to my PC and record and add drum tracks and pretty much write my own instrumentals. Im no where near that yet, just playin with it, its a little above me lol, but like fishing gear, I had to have it! LOL I replaced my Digitech Genesis shown at the bottom..... if anyone is interested in it lemme know.
  20. can you rent these at blockbuster? And yes im being serious lol
  21. I work not far from the "dirt" and a buddy of mine and I went down on lunch to see the circus. It didnt disappoint. This pic is from about an hour ago. It wasnt too bad down there as far as crowds, in comparison to a saturday morning. Take this pic and add two guys in between each one you see, thats a saturday morning on a sllow day. I didnt get the east shore just to the left in teh photo, but it was lined up double what you see on the opposite shore. And yes, the guys on the shore not shown....... lob right out to the feet of the guys you see wading in the middle lol. It gets pretty insane. Its normally 2 bucks to park but i told the lady i had no gear and was just going for a walk and she let me in free of charge. This lot is the only access besides , as solo said, throwing a canoe in at the harbour and paddling up in the slack water, as that is all you will find until you get to the tressle at Burt. Pond water. Not bad pike water in the summer. In short, theres many other places to spend your time down here this time of year, but if you dont want to hunt around,.....stick to some of these more popular areas, just wait till december when all the fair weather anglers are keeping warm inside.
  22. I fish a Raven 14' IM8 and its a great rod for the price range. (its not custom btw). Its right in your 200-250 slot and is a nice balance between the IM6 and IM9 as far as action. Only gripe is its a 3 piece........which wasnt much of a concern when i was shopping around. Its definitely a thorn in my side some days. Friend of mine is making a 13' 2piece now out of the rainshadow blank and I will be able to fish that and if I like it, i am going to have him make me one just so i have a 2 piece
  23. like deez
  24. "We got no food, We got no jobs.........OR PETS HEADS ARE FALLIN OFF!"
  25. Agreed, last year, he wasnt the shootout goalie he was the previous year. He let in 3 goals in 5 shots in one of the later preseason games a couple weeks back......heres for hoping his head is on straight this year the whole way through.
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