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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Yeah, i hear of it every year, but have never been. They probably wont have it this year however based on what Philly has uncovered?
  2. Thanks bud........ill probably change all my plans to give it a shot then
  3. i just said that lol
  4. I've never been to Nunya, i wonder why that is?
  5. OK, so when can one get down to the lower niagara for a nice dip of smelt?
  6. lol< i was jsut bein goofy. sounds like the way your workin it , it would do the trick but most probably just straight retrieve it and at that point, i dont think the paintjob matters much. Its just somehting that looks like its swimming like a baitfish.
  7. Yeah, thats true.............dont press too hard when using the paper tiger.......in my case though, all my walls had coats of paint on the drywall before they were papered
  8. ive never seen a bumble bee cruising thru the water at any speed. Especially underwater. If they made one with a vibrator in it that you just threw out and let it resonate top water , spinning in circles..........now that ive seen and may throw in the tackle box. Hmmmmmmm.....time to call the patent attorney
  9. Is this wallpaper application the dip in water and it self adheres? Or was it old school and they actually used a secondary adhesive to apply it. If its just dip and stick..........theres alot of stripper products out there to loosen the paper and scrape it off with ease. The key is using a perforating wheel to make the outer layer of the paper porous so the stripper reaches the backing of the wallpaper seperating it from the wall with a good soak. OR alot of times the first layer of paper will peel really easy and leave the backing paper , in this case just spray the backing paper as this will now soak the stripper up on its own. Ive done many a room, and i always say......Im SOOOO glad i did it right the first time. Best thing you could do is put those sanders down as youll usually find you left yourself with a bigger eye sore than you started with.
  10. Mineo and Sapio??
  11. Ya i know.........i get funny looks all the time when i go to Teds and ask if they have any oscar meyers LOL Ill take a johnsonville beer brat or cheddar brat over any hot dog as well
  12. Ill take an oscar meyer over a sahlens any day of the week. I like them boiled over grilled as well.
  13. Hmmmm, not a big bake bean fan........never knew i had such a great recipe readily available to me though lol. Maybe ill try them over the summer while grilling. My favorite as a kid was Cambells Franks and Beans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As far as Franks.........i thought that was pretty widespread until i was tellin my boss (from Rochester) that i use Franks for a recipe and he said.........."Ok, so now whats the Franks". I thought he was joking.
  14. Not sayin he didnt have a drug issue, obviously..........but the verdict isnt out yet on whether it was accidental or intentional. Not sayin i think either way, ok....im human so im thinkin probably intentional......but ill let the coroner and investigators figure that out. As far as Rick James hotel? I hadnt heard that one, i read that he was in his apartment where his mother was living with him at the time.
  15. Really!?! Man she must have been the envy of many a female back in the day. I was watching some video of him at a gathering filled with girls and he literally couldnt even talk for about 20 minutes cuz they all just went nuts as soon as he walked on the stage, and every time they calmed down, he'd lift the mic to his mouth and it would start all over again.........almost Beatles like lol. Crazy girls man. I'd imagine that would get to your head day in and day out, and then all of the sudden its gone..........that's gotta be hard. I dunno much about the guy. Regardless of the reasons ........its still a shame
  16. Just thought I'd send out a R.I.P. to the 80's star. Not much to say other than its messed up and im glad i never got into showbiz as a kid. I never realized he was canadian
  17. I dont know Jack, but im always there to wish positive things in the direction of those who need it. A prayer has been sent. He sounds like such an easy spirit in his e-mail.........that'll go a long way in itself to help
  18. You better believe it, break out the welcome mats boys........i will be be getting a nexxus pass and crossing the border REGULARLY!!!
  19. Looks like a georgous day. I have to say that Spike must have a wonderful "recall" to stick with you with all the excitement of getting out exploring lke that.....good doggy As far as the hundreds of shrimp........might be why your getting the skunk........fishies bellies may already be packed with shrimp?
  20. This went thru my house.......my sisters house...... a couple co-workers houses, a few weeks back now......(im in western new york) I hadnt hit the bucket like that in YEARS. Twas Ugly for sure
  21. Enticing to make a road trip up there. Ironic as well as ive just pulled them back up out of my CD collection lol My 10 year old nephew has me playing Alexander the Great OVER AND OVER AND OVER LOL He also doesnt understand the concept of Live after death.........he said, why is there people cheering on the CD, .......I said cuz its a live album. He didnt get the concept of recording and selling an album that they recorded at a concert lol
  22. WOW, ive never seen or heard of this before. Pretty crazy. I have seen this phenomena and its equally as cool. Thought my mind was playin tricks on me when i saw something similar to the picture here a couple years back
  23. i beat him with Lindy Ruff..........he got Bill Dance first try
  24. he got ryan miller with his first set of questions.
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