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Everything posted by blaque

  1. I also have the same truck in white except i got the ATS tire (just a little beefier) Im not sure what the XTR model is? Haven seen that down in the states Love it, its my third in a row
  2. BOING!!! The springs in my brain just unraveled lol Im much like you BB, i can build you a house from the ground up.......but when it came to wiring it, wouldnt even know where to start. Never could grasp the electrical mind
  3. Is that a pet goldfish in your gear bag
  4. Until someone goes in the fridge and throws out your expired OJ
  5. One of my favorite George Carlin quotes: "You know how I define the economic and social classes in this country? The upper class keeps all of the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there......well, the poor are there just to scare the crap out of the middle class. Keep 'em showing up at those jobs every day."
  6. Im excited........but heck, i was excited the last time we had a billionaire buy the team as well. If nothing else......im just giddy over the potential for change
  7. Headlines read: Colossal.........Crippling............Paralyzing!!!! Probably could have been replaced with Cold.......snowy.....windy. Wouldnt have sold as much salt or shovels though
  8. Got the same neighborhood situation goin on here as well. When the snow flies.......everyones out helping everyone clear out. We havent had any bad apple neighbors for as long as i can remember. Not just snow either........if someone gets a chord of wood dumped in the the driveway, ill be there to help stack it. If someones doin a roof, ya see neighbors stoppin over to swing a hammer. Hear a chainsaw stallin out across the street, ill go get mine out of the garage and bring it over. Its amazing how society as a whole gets painted with that "Me first" brush when really i witness alot different than that on alot of occasions. Think the closer ya get to the city life the more accurate that may be. I actually do hear of some horror stories from time to time. Case in point, i know someone who was painting their house a couple years back and thier neighbor didnt like the color ("they had to look at it too") So the lady kept spraying the house with the hose while the paint was wet to ruin the paint. Of course she was doing it by accident while watering her shrubs. Police had to be brought in to let the paint dry lol. I couldnt even imagine having to live next to that.
  9. Wait for it...wait for it........ Come on, theres gotta be a Toyota Tundra plug comin here shortly?
  10. Agreed.........seriously, where am I, 3rd grade gym class. Sorry to hear about losin your buddy troutman. Your more of an adult than some of the posters in this thread.
  11. Did this thread seriously just turn into this.... based on a heads up to grab a few rapalas on sale at a sporting goods store in the states.....Really????
  12. That was many years ago.......im not sure if they still inhabit the lake. I did go back to the area we fished years later and gave it a pretty quickly timed attempt between walleye fishing to no avail. That doesnt mean they arent still in the lake.........i just didnt hook any that afternoon. I also saw a large group of them spawning right at shore in south bay up on nippissing a few years ago. (obviously didnt target them)
  13. And they arent upside down! Might be a heavy metal christian band trying to oust the pentagram as the norm for metal symbology!!
  14. Very cool Aaron.............i discovered gar years ago on an inland lake here in NY (chautaqua) I was a young teen just tossing floating raps for largemouth wading the shoreline and saw a stick with teeth on it rise up near my lure. I couldnt explain what it was, then it hit and was hooked. I was perplexed at what was going on (i had no idea at the time what this thing was lol) I brought it to my feet and almost ran for shore. I then thought..........man i gotta land this thing and get a picture in case ive found something that may be of interest to the DEC. Come to find out by a local that it was a known species. Wasnt known to me LOL.... Its one of my most memorable fishing experiences. We ended up hooking many more that day and found the same fast and furious action you guys had. Great show
  15. I think it looked alot worse than the impact actually was.
  16. I admire all of them except Jimmy Dorsey. Him i pity lol. Hes like a 2 year old kid when any adversity is presented to him. I'd last about half a day working with that dude before i stuck a pacifier in his yap.
  17. This is what i believe your referring to Lew. I heard about it but also have not been contacted by the dealer on the issue. I got a Christmas Card from them though Ford Recall
  18. I dont allow myself to drink beer at a fishing show.........its like knockin em' back at the casino. Somebody flips a switch and i forget about the budget i gave myself goin in. $$$$
  19. I heard most of the canadiens in the crowd at the bronze game were actually rooting for the USA
  20. Cheap??.........I went to get a round at the Finland/Switz game. $8.50 US for a 12 oz. can of Bud Light
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