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Everything posted by blaque

  1. 12,000 to get to a 5.0 makes sense. Its alot more than just the motor that is upgraded. The GT package is what your getting. I too like the retro resurgence thats come about in the last few years. Didnt like the thunderbirds though. Im still waiting for buick to bring back the Grand National turbo 6's. The regal however has totally morphed from what it was in the 85-87 era. However.......there is a turbo motor package in the new ones.
  2. There ya go.........coulda saved yourself two posts lol
  3. In an effort to lighten the mood in here and put to bed the walleye vs. pickerel debate..........please note, Species is listed as walleye.......not pickerel. Wheeew, we can finally bury that dead horse LOL
  4. Out on erie....i use more goby plastics than tubes......but i can tell you at least in my personal experience, that the bigger the goby, the bigger the smallmouth. Seems to be the trend for me anyway. umKthxbye.....below is your upper case to lower case translation so you can read coppers threads in the future. This should have been taught at some point in grammar school. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz.
  5. Lower niagara was very productive last year. We did well the week prior to easter sunday.
  6. I recognize the humanoid in that model anywhere............thats "i-Mike" lol I also implement him into some of my models for scale LOL I changed his shirt though from the original
  7. Yeah theyve been stinking it up as of late (philly). So i hope your right. However, i believe pronger will be back for game one and Im sure philly will be amping their game back up to playoff levels by the time game one is under way. As far as Miller.......hes had a bumpy year and been far from brilliant. Dont be surprised to see a little guy named enroth between the pipes if things dont go well with miller in net. Enroth helped us finish out our year going like 8-2-2 and a few of those games were high pressure division opponents we were chasing or treading water to stay above in the playoff race. Big time games that he won for us and looked cool as a cucumber in millers absence.
  8. I like the way you think.....
  9. We (sabres)still havent clinched a thing yet btw.........Carolina is up 3-zip on the wings right now!
  10. Highly unlikely......you wont catch me anywhere near a location where one would be in play.
  11. Nope Any sport that doesnt require a postgame shower isnt much of a sport in my opinion.
  12. Baseball?.......whats baseball?
  13. Pinheads........
  14. Ya, a little overboard lol,......but at the same time, ive got a pretty good grin going picturing it LOL
  15. Moral of the story right there.
  16. Ya this cooke hit is unquestionable though. Theres no.....hmmm let me look at it 20 times to decide. He shows full intent. This guys missing some brain cells. I dont care if the intent is there or not to be honest. If you unintentionally high stick a guy, you get two minutes in the box. Ya get punished. If he bleeds, from the high stick, again.........intentional or not, you get a stiffer punishment. More time in the box. Why, because the injury was worse. Personally i think chara should have gotten hit with something, and it should have been stiff because of the severity of the injury. At least it was more of a hockey play than coming across the width of the ice with your elbow crosshaired on a guys face
  17. he's an actor? no?
  18. Believe it or not, ive never seen the classic Scarface. lol Theres A LOT of movies i need to go back and watch!! I do like pacino though quite a bit. Loved him in Donny Brasco and Devils Advocate
  19. Chumlee...., the Mikey (american choppers) of Pawn Stars
  20. Seems i sure have a way of killing threads
  21. I wonder what all these guys make per episode or season. Gold Rush Alaska for instance............the whole premise of the show is that they risked ever dime they had and if they dont get the gold they are going home to nothing? Couldnt feed their families during the show so they had to leave, they could barely run the washplant on a daily basis Etc etc........They did lousy this season which should have them in the poorhouse. Yet they show previews of next season and they are buying newer and bigger equipment, driving in to a new claim they are going to lease and mine on.........all driving brand new sleds btw lol. This show was based on a one time roll the dice with everything you own and if at the end of the season you arent rich with gold...........well, you just spun the wheel with all ya had and that was it. These guys gotta be makin a pretty penny for the show itself........severe irony here lol The gator guys are a different story, this is and was already their way of life and income........their just puttin it on film, but the gold guys were basing their show on a huge risk. Get the gold or your done, and even though its my favorite show.......Ill admit the premise isnt making sense.
  22. That'll get ya puckered up for sure. Forget the guys walkin it...............Id like to meet the guys that BUILT it
  23. i root for neither team.......actually i dislike both teams and especially chara. I saw it as driving thru a check, and my guess is he probably wanted to sensationalize the hit by stoppin him cold on the stantion........but i wouldnt imagine he intended for the outcome he got. All that being said.........im not chara or patch nor was i in the building so my comments dont amount to a hill of beans.
  24. Aha, down here they just refer to it as an xlt with the "chrome package".
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