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Everything posted by blaque

  1. I remember a few years back at Oak Orchard while fishing alone at the bend, hearing rocks crunching behind me. I turned figuring another fisherman has arrived (it was like 15 degrees in the middle of winter so at that point i was the only dummy out on the water lol) So when i turn around its some guy walking with some sort of long barrel gun resting up against his shoulder. Me, not being familiar with gun laws or hunting seasons, i was a bit startled to see a guy down there with a gun. Regardless, even if there were some sort of bird season, im pretty sure ya just cant go down to the water to hunt in that location. He ended up walking past to the end of the island downstream and i heard him crunching around in the reeds. I eventually moved upstream and had my head on a swivel all morning wondering what this dude was all about. Never did find out. All i know is it made me uneasy knowing somebody was prowling around the area i was fishing with heat lol
  2. Been here, Done this LOL. I was in the same boat a few years back, wanted to replace a weathered tub and before i knew it i was in the middle of a gutted bathroom reno LOL. If your not into that, look at bathfitters or something similar (we have them in the states not sure if you guys have one up north). They basically fit a tub over your tub. This took quite a while on my own, but it was worth it in the end. Its true what they say, the first thing on site when building a house is the bathtub......and they build the house around it LMAO
  3. Slayer isn't necassarily known for provoking laughter........but this is downright gut busting LMAO!!!!!
  4. Awesome info right there Bill.....I'd never heard of it and have always been annoyed checking buffalo craigslist, then rochester craigslist, then Binghamton craigslist and so on and so on. Good find right there
  5. You guys have been playing without a goalie this whole time,!!!! well no wonder your not higher in the standings
  6. i see you found some reading as well tb4me Another link As i said though......"Rumor has it" lol, but Bob Murray certainly isnt dispelling any rumors with his verbage Bob Murray Rant
  7. Theres buzz that Burke and Murray may just be tight enough to work something out. Also lots of buzz about my Sabres lining up an offer sheet. My issue is that a coaching change wasnt the answer in aneheim, so what is it that has these guys underperforming this year.....and do i want more underperforming "stars" on my team.
  8. Nice job guys. I've been out many days in the last 2 weeks and had some great days and some DUDS lol
  9. I'm THRILLED with my iPhone 4S. I can't compare it to anything as it is my first smartphone. Doesn't matter which one you get.....the capabilities of these things are utterly stupifying LOL. I went from a flip phone to a phone that is a gps, a flashlight, a wackload of video games, a level, a photo editor, heck I can play and record my guitar thru the dang thing
  10. I had off yesterday and today lickin my chops but the water just wouldn't come down for me!!! Ah well...next 2 days of family and food, and off all next week. Hope Santa brings green water
  11. Tell me that thing cant blink its eyes........cuz it looks like its capable. Im gonna have nightmares
  12. Oh man, wasnt expecting to come upon this as i was reading thru the thread titles. My stomach actually sunk when i saw peanuts name. Im VERY sorry bud!!
  13. Ya i was taking the "hold out" into consideration and still thought it looked bigger than 12.5 lol. I was viewing on a phone at the time, which for some reason made it look bigger.....now that i got it up on a desktop she looks more like it. Doesnt change my jealousy however
  14. I was gonna make the same comment. That fish looks a lot bigger than 12.5. Scale calibration may be in order. Awesome fish guys!!!
  15. Sums it up perfectly, what a great audio memory you can revisit for years to come
  16. the miracles of CGI........it is an awesome thing
  17. Ugh.......just terrible. I cant even imagine.......Prayers go out to Peanut.
  18. Well.... it is the consistancy of a Jolly Rancher lol Glad to hear it Denis .........I got out saturday for a bit and did "so so" later in the morning. Yesterday i was hunting x-mas trees instead of fish
  19. Ya, but it looks more like something out of ghostbusters or a nickelodeon gameshow
  20. Im always perplexed when i see this stuff on the shelves lol. Im perplexed mainly because ive seen it for years now so they must be getting customers to buy into it,or it wouldnt have lasted this long. Even more confusing, is the bread and butter of the makers of this product, is actually egg cures.
  21. And ill be dabbling in trying to figure out my recording software again shortly LOL. I moved everything to my new laptop and having issues, should have just left everything on my desktop
  22. i dig it! For some reason it just provoked me into blaring Rise Against into my headphones for the last half hour LOL.
  23. I've got no issues with mods editing or deleting posts. Their house , their rules. I think it's happened to a post or two of mine and it confused me at first as i didnt know i could be edited lol. But i never gave it a second thought once I realized what happened. The instances this has happened, it was obvious why and I had no questions. If memory serves me, I used a word that was a little too colorful. It was changed and I said to myself....."ok don't use that particular word again", message received.
  24. Oh wow!! Ill SAY.......chip off the old block lol. THanks for posting that.
  25. Grampa Elliot was my favorite
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