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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Just got home from a quick 3 day trout trip in Quebec.....another amazing time catching bows and speckled trout. There were 3 of us and we limited out on Speckles and caught 9 bows......I personally caught a 3 1/2lb, 3lb and 3 x 2lbs speckies....I am already looking forward to trip# 3 in 4 weeks. I LOVE retirement!!
    3 points
  2. I think they actually have made some investment in a fuel blending facility . Original traders energy. so I believe they would source corn free high test fuel from a refinery for the purposes of blending and then would essentially leave the fuel uninhibited and give the middle finger to the libs and the corn lobby that demands that their corn go in the gas
    2 points
  3. I would think you're guessing right. For most folks, when they use the words "sandwich" and "squirrel" in the same sentence, it usually refers to an incident with a motor vehicle, not a culinary reference. Growing up, Pigeon was a regular on our menu. My Dad used to raise Pigeons for racing, and the ones that didn't make the cut ended up on a plate. It was more than once we had sandwiches with the leftovers..
    1 point
  4. A couple shots of a priceless whitetail fawn about an hour old. I have a video of them as well where the poor little guy's back legs are still wobbly and barely holding him up, a cow moose with a beautiful calf, whitetail buck and 10,059 pics of cattle which I didn't post of course Lol. The ones of the moose suck as they are on video and I can't post videos so I had to pause the videos and take a picture of them on the computer with a hand held camera.
    1 point
  5. At 75 I am older school than you an I started my own you tube channel this spring. Trust me If I can do it without help you can to !!!!
    1 point
  6. What happens is the ethanol gradually breaks down the fuel line and the minute particles eventually gum up the works in the carb and filters. When changing lines in your case some good preventative maintenance would be to give your carb a good cleaning at the same time and replace the fuel filter.
    1 point
  7. Here's a how-to on creating a youtube channel. Once done you just upload your videos on to your channel and then you can copy the link and paste it here in your post. Cheers
    1 point
  8. 1 point
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