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  1. I spent the afternoon carving out another Deer Antler Reel Seat and now the house stinks like burnt hair ..... 😕
    2 points
  2. Getting of topic here but Barry, I only found this out a couple years back but it's a biological fact that women have a better sense of smell than men. My propane furnace was going on the fritz back then and my wife mentioned that the outdoor exhaust was smelling funny while to me it seemed normal. So I have a neighbour who has a gas license and installs furnaces for a local company. So he comes over and the first thing he does is gets me to turn the furnace and he takes a deep breath of the exhaust and says it burnt his throat a bit so yes I have issues. Turned out the furnace was off grade and the acidic water was pooling under the heat exchanger and it was rotting out. I mentioned to Jordy that my wife could smell it but I couldn't and he said that they were taught in school that women naturally have a better sense of smell than men, hence why he had to actually inhale the exhaust and feel the burn to be sure something was wrong. I got lucky too, the original install company had to cough up for all the repairs. Antlers are so much denser and harder than wood, pretty sure that's why metal bits are needed. That's looking good Spiel, neat to see the different steps in the process. How many hours in total you figure to do the handle?
    2 points
  3. Hi Spiel, it's been a spell. I'm not sure if I was to comment on this and I don't expect I am about to mention anything you don't already know but here goes anyway. I've done a lot of work with antlers and the only way to avoid it at least somewhat is to just do a bit at a time and then let it sit for a while to prevent it from heating up. I know it's a pain and very time consuming but the warmer it gets the worse the smell. At least that's what my wife tells me, she would know, I swear she has a nose equal to that of a Blood Hound. Many times when we've been Elk hunting she will smell them long before we see them. My kind of hunting partner. Haha. Not that it comes as a surprise, your pics, illustrate very nice work as always, second to none. Thank you for sharing them. Cheer's - Barry.
    2 points
  4. And I'm sitting here with 3 antlers on my fireplace hearth that I could get a small fortune for LOL
    1 point
  5. Pet food stores get crazy prices for bits of deer antlers for chew toys for dogs Chris. Local store to me sells 4" pieces for around $25.
    1 point
  6. What about doing it on a wood lathe? You're welcome to try it out on mine. Using chisels rather than metal cutting points.
    1 point
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