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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/2023 in all areas

  1. There's several trailer parks on the west shore of Pigeon that may allow you to launch and leave the truck/trailer for the day but you'd have to contact them to find out. We always launched at the free ramp at the causeway in Bridgenorth and had a milk run all the way to the top of Pigeon but you may not want to travel that far.
    1 point
  2. Your son is going to have a blast catching giant sunfish
    1 point
  3. Well curiosity got the better of me and I decided to see how my potatoes were doing so I harvested my first pail, 4 about the size of a hard ball, 4 about the size of a golf ball, about a dozen the size of grapes and a bunch of smaller ones. 4 more pails will be left for later harvests but all in all I am quite pleased with the results and would do this again.
    1 point
  4. Huh...sure it's easy to keep your kitchen knives sharp when you're a bachelor...talk to me when you have kids, especially teenagers ...lol
    1 point
  5. I’m gonna let you in on something I learned from experience. It requires discipline but I can promise you it works. 6 years ago…(wow I can’t believe it’s been that long) I was freshly separated from my ex fiancée and I needed to purchase a knife set. Knowing how much I hated dull knives I set out to purchase a set and selected a set of mediocre Henkels from Canadian tire. I think one step above the bottom brand, nothing fancy but they were on sale. Being a bachelor and having bought an apartment that I was now funding entirely myself I made a vow to take care of my knives as best as I could. 6 years later, my knives are as sharp as the day I bought them and the reason why is simple, 1. never cut a single thing on anything other than a wood cutting board. (Chicken being the only exception, use a plastic cutting board, don’t ever use those stupid ceramic ones) 2. hand wash your knives with a brush and soap 3. Never put your knives in the sink. that’s it. When I notice they seem to be getting more dull than razor sharp, i hone them, and they immediately go back to like new. I swear to god my knives 6 years later are dangerously sharp.
    1 point
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