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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2023 in all areas

  1. I know this is a fishing board, but some of us are also hunters. FWIW, PayPal is anti-gun. I refuse to deal with them. Sorry for the hijack. Doug
    2 points
  2. Another trip to Nakina and specifically a return to Whiteclay Lake with our wonderful hosts Jay & Sue of Boreal Forest Outfitter. We arrived late Friday night June 2nd as we were heavily delayed in Kapuskasing on the drive up due to a serious accident and road closure. Up at 4am and at the Nakina Air dock at 4:15am, yes 4:15! We met up with Sue our host whom was also our pilot for the flight in. After a brief chat we were weighed up, said hello to Tracy and Greg and we were on the Otter and heading into Whiteclay. We landed on Whiteclay at 5:45 and the outbound crew was on the dock swatting mosquito’s as we taxied in. Soon the Otter was taking off, we were unpacking gear and getting some breakfast and coffee going. A beautiful sunny day ahead we were soon on the lake, the earliest ever on our arrival day! Lots of Pike and several Walleye visited our boats on Saturday. Sunday proved to be another nice day with a brief shower thrown in to keep the dust down. Very productive day as I caught a 43” Pike and my partner dragged in a 40” both at the mouth of the Raymond River. Monday was a cool day, mostly overcast and we headed to the west end of the lake for the day. The 20hp motors were great for these long hikes and allowed us to visit spots we previously probably wouldn’t have. Great day at the west end with 2- 40”, 39”, 36” and bunch of smaller Pike caught, several Walleye including a nice chunky 24”. Tuesday cool & overcast again to start, clearly up later in the day. This was Walleye day and all kinds boated at the little falls at the end of the Raymond River. Our other boat caught and released a 41” Pike near the mouth of the river and also lots of Walleye. Wednesday started around 5 degrees Celsius and we headed East to the Gorge, a beautiful scenic trip with several Walleye and Pike caught on the troll. Thursday was a little overcast but nice, spent time at the falls and the Raymond River as well as around the island directly in front of the camp and the long back bay behind the camp. A good productive day with all kinds of Pike ranging from 24” to 34” caught and released. Another nice supper of fresh Walleye to end the day. Friday, our last day. One of the guys wanted to visit a sand bar he spotted at the NW end of the lake so off we went. Immediate upon arriving at this outcropping we trolled back in towards the bay and got into Pike one after another. Most were in the 25-30” range with Walleye mixed in. Trolling up through a narrows I caught a 41” Pike and after releasing him and resuming our troll, I hooked into a 38” Pike just minutes later. A great last day for sure with our new found hotspot with both of our boats catching lots of Pike and Walleye. Alex arrived about 9:30am Saturday June 10th and provided a beautiful flight out and after chatting with Sue in Nakina we were once again heading home from another week of great fishing, great friends and good times. Cheers Rob & the Walleye Wanderers
    1 point
  3. I've never had them charge me anything when getting a refund.
    1 point
  4. I won't use anything but PayPal Goods and Services. Has saved my a$$ a few times.
    1 point
  5. Like anything, I keep it very simple when it comes to colours. Senkos, brownish, green tones. Green pumpkin and whatever flake fits your fancy.
    1 point
  6. Got stopped yesterday in parry sound by the MNR. was an awkward one because I had literally just caught a 4lb smallie and they came racing up on me. Sure enough I didn’t have my physical card on me, but I always keep my license summary on my phone…so I thought turns out I only had photos of the front and back of my physical license and my license summary was of my older license that’s since expired. The CO was really good about it though. I think sometimes you get a little bit of the benefit of the doubt If you look like you at least know what you are doing out there a bit. was good to finally confirm with a CO though that a pdf of your license summary saved to your phone is considered to be valid. I always have such a hard time keeping track of my physical license because between fishing rivers, ice fishing, fishing in my boat and others, it’s much easier to just have it on my phone. They checked my live wells which were empty, and seeing me release that bass, we didn’t seem suspicious. Clearly a couple guys with 15 rods out all over the boat catching and releasing bass. the co couldn’t have been much over 35 years old, good to see some young guys joining the force. Talk about an awesome job, working this management zone, driving boats around parry sound all day I’m a little jealous, I’m not going to lie.
    1 point
  7. Well AOLithium went and cancelled the order on me because their shipper doesn't ship here. They haven't refunded my $$$ either. Been more than a month and still haven't got my $$$ back. So I would say stay away from this company. I am not impressed. 🤬
    0 points
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