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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2023 in all areas

  1. Clova also is, or was, the home port for at least one of the houseboat rentals on the Gouin Reservoir. And a main access point for the Gouin. Yes, the road in is a teeth-rattler. Doug
    2 points
  2. Many moons ago I gave a presentation about fishing to a pretty big crowd, who got time off from work to attend the thing. (It was one of those "team building" things that people put on back in the 90s.) Not everybody was all that interested in fishing, and I realized that before the event. So yes indeed I had a thermos there with some "TEA" in it that was actually rye and water......😉 Doug
    2 points
  3. Done a couple now and it,s getting there. This will hunt I am sure . Eyes are secured with crazy glue,then done along the outer rim to secure,then a light coat of Sally hard as nails. I Palmer the marabou instead of removing the fibers and latching them. This will stand up much better for longer periods of catching IMO.
    1 point
  4. Finally got out in my own boat on Wednesday, the water temps are unseasonal to say the least, but the fish were where they should be this time of year. Great fun sight fishing crappie!
    1 point
  5. I heard on the news last night that the province of Quebec is at the point where they have to decide who gets fire assistance and who they have to let burn. Abitibi has been chosen as a priority for the province and a little hamlet called Clova has been left to mother nature. Clova is the jump off point for Air Tamarac, https://tamarac.ca. I was there about four years ago, the 300 km logging road in was a grind, but the facilities and fishing was fantastic. It is a family run business and I am hoping that the fire misses them as it would devastate them. Good thoughts to the folks in Clova! HH
    0 points
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