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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2023 in all areas

  1. Well I did buy a 4 pack of them Albert for a spur of the moment trip north. I was asked to bring a meal for dinner, I opted in for the steaks and baked Taters. However in my rush to grocery shop and get back home to pack up gear and boat and hit the road I hit the local Freshco for supplies (not steaks) and sadly they had no Russets (the best for foil wrapping and BBQ'ing imo), so in my rush I bought a 4 pack of foil wrapped spuds (I never buy pre wrapped cause I am frugal ). Then once home and still in a rush to pack up and get on the road I blew out my back and ended staying in bed for several days. Going forward when I went to use the foil wrapped spuds at home several days later I unwrapped them to split, season and butter them pre grilling I found them all to be less than edible, so I tossed them, but the unused foil was there and I had been asked to come up with an all gold seat cast in clear acrylic so I thought......hmmmm, why not. I do like trying new and creative designs in the shop and sometimes I get a winner and sometimes I don't as seen by the numerous failures laying about the shop. So there you have the background story. I do have a buyer though for the reel seat. I'll bet those big Cats down Dunnville way don't give a damn about reel seat colours. 🤣
    1 point
  2. Enlighten us then... I'm certain you have a valid reason for whatever it is that you do.
    1 point
  3. Perhaps you need a little more of the back ground story Albert before jumping to conclusions. 😜
    1 point
  4. Kind of Trumpian in my opinion. Also a thumbs down from me. And stop buying prewrapped potatoes, they are no different that the ones in the 10 pound bag. Just more expensive.
    1 point
  5. Good Lord, you're not one of these guys are you Phil? 😆
    1 point
  6. Boujie a.f. I like it.
    1 point
  7. Can I be honest?????????? PASS. JMO
    1 point
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