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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2023 in all areas

  1. Happy New Year to all the good folks here I've been working on a prototype handle for Steelheader's (winter anglers) that will bring the comfort of ergonomically contoured reel seats to the game with a seamless grip that does not come with the expense of custom wood or acrylic. It's not only less money but certainly less in weight and undoubtedly less cold on the winter angler's hand. That being said I've finally moved from the prototype work to a completed handle now fully assembled on a vintage D&M 11'8" Regency Series (anyone else remember D&M Rods?) Thanks for looking.
    2 points
  2. Transoms will be ripping off in no time with the instant torque those things produce
    2 points
  3. The truth we don't need Saudi oil, we have plenty here we just need to get government out of the way.
    2 points
  4. I was at CES last week and saw the new Mercury motors in person (all 3 models) and I have to say, they're really slick. The 7.5e is available now, with a 20e and 35e model both out by the end of this month. Two more are apparently coming for the end of this year, but Mercury wouldn't discuss further details. The battery, at least on the 7.5e model, loads into the top of the motor and is removable, so you can swap it out for a second battery if you run low. This is a sensible arrangement and given its size, there should be plenty of capacity. I was skeptical of my electric lawn mower when I got it, but it goes a long, long time with a battery not much bigger than what I have on my drill. These are first steps, but it's pretty clear this is the future. I can tell you one thing - when you hit the throttle with an electric outboard it doesn't take a second or two to rev up to speed like a gas engine does. You get full throttle to the prop instantly, so the hole shots are just unbelievable. The motors are also silent, no fumes, no messing around with fuel, loads of advantages. I'm pretty encouraged by what I see.
    1 point
  5. I do believe that within a decade or two, we will see the end of fossil fuel powered transportation. We humans have an incredible capacity for innovation when we commit intellectual and monetary resources to a solution. Within a lifetime (66 years), we went from the Wright brothers first powered flight (they got 3 ft off the ground) to Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
    1 point
  6. We call it the Beaverton Bellagio. The "Beaverton Motel Sorts Bar & Grill" What a dive it was, I say was, because they were doing renos when I was there. Got there and there's no office to check in at? Went to the bar that was in the basement and asked where I could get my room. I was asked how long I wanted the room for? I said for the night; she gave me a strange look? She then went and got a key and I paid for the night. Thought that while I was in a bar I'd have a drink. Asked the bar tender for a Rusty Nail (Scotch and Drambuie); she had no idea what that was; come-on your a bar tender? While having my drink two "ladies" came over and sat next to me, one on either side. OK Now I understand why I was asked how long I need the room for. LOL. Told the both of them I wasn't interested and they left as soon as a couple of other guys walked in. LOL Went to the room and there was unmade beds, a pizza box with a half eaten pizza in it. Condom wrappers on the bed stand (Safe sex you know). What the hell am I going to do? I went to the truck got my air mattress and sleeping bag. First sign of light the next morning I was out of there. LOL After that I decided I would sleep in the fish hut. I was warm and it was my dirt in there!!!! Dan...
    1 point
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