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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2023 in all areas

  1. We call it the Beaverton Bellagio. The "Beaverton Motel Sorts Bar & Grill" What a dive it was, I say was, because they were doing renos when I was there. Got there and there's no office to check in at? Went to the bar that was in the basement and asked where I could get my room. I was asked how long I wanted the room for? I said for the night; she gave me a strange look? She then went and got a key and I paid for the night. Thought that while I was in a bar I'd have a drink. Asked the bar tender for a Rusty Nail (Scotch and Drambuie); she had no idea what that was; come-on your a bar tender? While having my drink two "ladies" came over and sat next to me, one on either side. OK Now I understand why I was asked how long I need the room for. LOL. Told the both of them I wasn't interested and they left as soon as a couple of other guys walked in. LOL Went to the room and there was unmade beds, a pizza box with a half eaten pizza in it. Condom wrappers on the bed stand (Safe sex you know). What the hell am I going to do? I went to the truck got my air mattress and sleeping bag. First sign of light the next morning I was out of there. LOL After that I decided I would sleep in the fish hut. I was warm and it was my dirt in there!!!! Dan...
    2 points
  2. My sister in-law (Rest in peace) was an amazing fisher and outdoors person. That lady consistently out fished any of us. Then she also new how to clean and cook the fish like no one else I have ever seen! What an amazing 90lb, 5 foot tall outdoors lady she was. Oh man I miss joining in with my brother's and Betty's outdoor adventures. She could field dress a deer or moose and not barely get dirty doing so. I still laugh about the time they got a bull moose. Betty dressed it and they both bragged it to the boat. Brother insisted to put the moose in the boat (12 foot tinny) Betty said it'll float just get it in the water. Nope brother put it in the boat and pushed the boat into the river. Yep the boat sunk with the weight; but the moose popped up to the surface. LOL Dan... What a sweat smile!!!!! Reminds me of my granddaughter.
    2 points
  3. Absolutely, everything about electric is higher performance than any ICB. the battery tech just needs more advancement but that doesn’t seem very concerning when you consider how far the tech has come just within the past 8? Years. boats especially, how often are you driving your outboard 300+km in a trip? the battery tech to troll all day already exists, heck most of us have an electric motor on our boats already and use it all day. imagine the hole shot?! 😮
    1 point
  4. A bit more voltage and power but basically an electric trolling motor. Just keep making better batteries. The rest is easy
    1 point
  5. Don't forget 20 feet of rope for a tow and oars.
    1 point
  6. I'm very fortunate that my wife loves to join in on my fishing trips. She even outfishes me once in a while.
    1 point
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