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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2022 in all areas

  1. https://www.cleveland.com/outdoors/2022/12/odow-surveys-show-record-walleye-hatch-again-ne-ohio-fishing-report.html?fbclid=IwAR0UteCeC7t7NGv3J0U-hIyj81gnDbE-FX3Gk5TwVKgFMbxBTb_-W3uWKPM
    2 points
  2. I looked for months and this is all I found if I had found more I would have bought it too
    1 point
  3. Jerk! LoL I keep looking in Wallymart and CTC for old stock as it doesn't go old... Unlike Terry...
    1 point
  4. There is Bluebird park launch on the road to the airport on the south side of the lake. If your not a resident with a parking permit then you will have to pay for parking at the parking lot kiosk with your phone. Not sure if the park lot is open or plowed in winter. The other launch at Longford Mills was open this past spring after grading and fencing. I would check it to see if it is rely closed.
    1 point
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