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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2021 in all areas

  1. I went on a visit to my parents this morning up the hwy 11 . I always love the leaving at morning dark and watching the sky light up on my travel up . Always seem to be a different sight . Watching for those pesky deer crossing , can be a bit on the nerves .There are many boat,yak,SUV and motor home dealers both north and south bound . There is the one just before line 9. Always full of any boat of choice. Many in the past had American stickers and numbers. Empty. Next there is a new RV place. 3/4 , empty. Get close to Gravenhurst, 2 yak shops, 1/3 full. Heading home, there is a large boat place, just before Orrila that is always full of boats. I stopped in there many years ago and found his prices outrageous. Guess what ? Empty. The one that really caught my eye on the way home was, The Hitch house. Ya, Hie dies had some stock still, but this place, Hitch House, sell huge motor homes. Always full of inventory when I would drive bye. This morning,I could count the stock on one hand. Many many places made big bucks due to this virus, BUT, when everything gets back to almost norm,it will be a buyers market. Keeping my good eye open
    1 point
  2. Same down here Brian. The local car dealer who usually has 350 new cars now have 34 as of today. RVs, boats, even golf carts are very rare and are at a premium price. Most of it is not being able to get the smaller components to build with as well as delivering the finished products. Many people during lockdown pocketed the money they got and added the money they didn't spend on vacations and are actively buying sport and luxury items now. As the transportation industry gets parts and finished products back into the pipelines we should see a return to normal stock for new products and many slightly used sporting goods up for sale at a reduced price once people decide they are not as outdoorsy as they thought. Art
    1 point
  3. Been crazy times for a lot of folks for sure Brian, there's a house trailer dealer just up the road from me at Burleigh Falls who normally has a huge inventory but now there's only a couple on the lot. As for the eye opener, I just had a cataract removed this past Monday and that was a pretty darned good eye opener too LOL
    1 point
  4. there's this kinda fun, but not too creepy song.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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