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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/2020 in all areas

  1. I knew that boat looked to new to be old. LOL
    1 point
  2. So made a small fire pit to keep my java warm. LOL Thought it was going to be a hot bite after getting one on the 2nd drift on hot pink bag BUT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, NOPE 1 - 2 . LOL
    1 point
  3. Nice.. beautiful temperature for doing this...
    1 point
  4. He is always asking me to go there. Told him I do not need to relive the my past of the credit and humber.LOL
    1 point
  5. Have a hut and heater. +100 the whole time. No burr,,,,,LOL
    1 point
  6. Nice fish. brr just wait a few month , then you will know what brr is
    1 point
  7. Past weeks catch was on the smoker while I was away playing. I did a true 24 hr brine,24 hr stand this time ., Lightly rinsed the fish this time and well, turned out to be probly my best so far. Has a bit of jerky,dry and moist.
    1 point
  8. We will know it's all over when Homestead Doughnuts turns into a Starbucks and LuLu Lemon replaces Peter's Bait and Tackle. It's then time to move to Sault St Marie and fish the St Marys.
    1 point
  9. I’ve had two of these things and doth crapped out after a few uses. If you or someone needs a boost there’s nothing better then a good old reliable set of cables. For me there’s nothing worse then going to a customer’s car with a little booster pack in one hand and my dick in the other and neither working. LOL Dan.
    1 point
  10. I've fished the French river for over 50 years, often several times a season. I had my son ( who is DD) with me a few years ago. He has always liked looking at stars, but where we live on Ohio there is always too much ambient lighting to get any really good views. So, one night at the lodge it was a clear night and I pointed out the Big Dipper, Milky Way, etc. to him. He was fascinated. When we went back into the cabin, he asked when he could see the northern lights. I explained to him they were fairly rare, and that in somewhere between 50 and 100 trips to Ontario, I had only seen them once. The next night, after he went to bed I read for awhile. When I decided it was time to hit the pillow, I went out on the deck and grabbed a bottle of water. As I looked up from getting the bottle, I was astounded to see the northern lights in all their weaving glory. Of course, I woke my son, and, in fact, the camp bell was ringing to wake others for this rare event. It went on for awhile. My son was fascinated. I'm not crazy religious, but I am certain there was something going on here.
    1 point
  11. I hope your cousin recovers with no long term effects, and soon...and that he comes around to the fact that this virus is real and not a hoax.
    1 point
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