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  1. Hey OFC . Used to be active on this board about 13 years ago. Never really left but had been lurking for a longtime . The worst kind of member! Life went sideways and addiction got the best of me. Been clean for over 4 years now and busy fixing the 3 ringed circus that was my life. Finally figured it’s time to get back at er now that 2 of my boys are in university and it’s just the weeun at home. Reconnected with my old buddy Meeps and he got the musky fever back in my life . Been losing more big girls than I’ve landed , which is frustrating but I’m still on em and consumed with the thought of a 50” plus. Still early in the fall and lots of trips planned , I think I’ll get that 50” in the net soon! Pictured is a nice fish I got after losing 2 that day, Meeps was quick in the water and did the net work for me, held her up quick while I snapped a pic and back in the drink she went. Musky fishing is some sort of psychological mind F@(£ , from watching videos and trips to the local shop, online orders , countless hours on the water throwing lures as big as my dog and all around being consumed by these fish, I think I got the bug bad. The wee man has really caught the fishing bug and has been on me to catch his first Salmon , we’ve been down to our local spot a bunch and he just hasn’t tied into one yet. This morning while he and his buds opted to head out for smallies , I checked in with the apps and saw that there was a minor moon phase and wind conditions in my favour so back down to the local I go. Chucking spoons for a good 3 hours with not a whiff , decided to throw on the ole Rapala and first cast had a big girl smoke it. What a fight she put up. A bunch of runs and acrobatics and she finally hit the net. Some how I managed to have the front trebles in her , Thank God, as you can see she snapped that rapala in half. All in all the fishing has been great and amongst these crazy times I can always find my solstice down at the water. I’ll keep posting and appreciate all the members who have been doing so for years. Tight Lines J.B.
    2 points
  2. Welcome back, I remember your name from back in the day and congrats on beating the bad stuff. Some nice fish there, that 1st. 50 inch musky is the hardest to get then they get easier after that, just keep plugging away.
    2 points
  3. I still have a pocket fisherman...the kids used to use it for icefishing...I forgot about swinging with a hand line fishing for carp off the causeway at Lake Scugog using a bell sinker on the end and a doughball baited hook up about a foot...memories *sigh*
    1 point
  4. How can he get lost then ? He can stop and ask for directions. LOL
    1 point
  5. It was Brad Pitts brother Stu
    1 point
  6. Ever wonder what 1oz punching jigs are really for?? 😁 Hopefully the opp will intervene and make sure this stunt costs him $$$$. The guy is an absolute idiot.
    1 point
  7. Did a 4 day trip last week to Wakami Lake. The weather was cold with overnite temps -1c and day time highs +8c on average. A mix bag of weather with wind rain hail and sun. The fish were all scattered with some suspending in deep water, while others were up on shoals in 10ft-14ft. Many hours of trolling with some success.
    1 point
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