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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2019 in all areas

  1. This dude has his game on!!!
    1 point
  2. I remember walking the rocks and "thought" what was another rock,which turned out to be a salmon, and down I went. Gave me the SLIP. LOL
    1 point
  3. Well done Laffs well done !! A team with no heart going into the playoffs.....did you guys see what a real team like Washington does going into the playoffs? Enjoy your soft serve team nice pussy move by Kadri the guy couldn't fight himself out of a wet paper bag . 3out of 4 this year and 12 out of the last 16 your team should be embarrassed but I guess you guys are used to it judging by how quiet all you plugs are .I think Ottawa just won the cup by default considering the fact the Laff fans were chirping how they were cup contenders. Nothing is going to take this smile off my face knowing how much the Sens bug you and then they wiped the floor with you all year......again !! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    1 point
  4. I've got one but with the crazy amount of snow we got last night there's probably not enough propane in the entire township to melt it all LOL
    1 point
  5. Some guy told me one time that the suckers gather at the casinos -
    1 point
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