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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2018 in all areas

  1. Venison sirloin roast is on the agenda for tonight's dinner. Like I have mentioned before,I like the taste of the game,so try to stay away from to many ingredients. Simple mushroom,onion and a globe of garlic. Press fresh pepper in to the meat. Add the tomato when it,s an hour or so away. This will be plated over a nice layer rice. I was going to do a smoke before the slow cooker,but kinda slept in this morning. Dam that music thread. LOL Edit to add, I like the drop picture feature. Thanks Wayne.
    2 points
  2. Please don't look at my rods, Bratina and Scales, DON"T remove, they lose value. Besides its natural fish sent. You don't use perfume deer hunting, you use deer urine as cologne.
    2 points
  3. Eight hours later at 170* Looking good and now cooling on the counter.
    1 point
  4. Done Happy happy I love slow cookers. 1 pot,1 mess to clean.
    1 point
  5. Your party must of ended before mine. LOL Look forward to the finish Chris. I take it those are wet brine ? I can not seem to get one I like.
    1 point
  6. I got up at 5:30 this morning Brian to prep and load the smoker. Had to leave the music thread. Trout and Salmon, low and slow in Cherry Wood.
    1 point
  7. Why ? Its all the same stank. LOL
    1 point
  8. LOl, put the Carpenters on, and I'll nominate yo for mod-q
    1 point
  9. Who cleans cork? For that matter who cleans waders or fishing coats. They are meant to stand up on their own!
    1 point
  10. Hi all, Got out on Saturday twice. I headed out at sunrise by myself to try for some crappie before the family was awake. Only stayedd for an hour and caught nothing except a breathtaking sunrise. Scooted back for breakfast and then chilled till after lunch when I headed out with my son Jack to meet some friends and have a shot at some walleye. Jack spent most of the couple of hours riding around on mum's Tundra (he says we should give her the old Bravo back...LOL) and chopping trees down with his machete. He did fish for a bit and landed a 25"er. He made sure everyone knew it was the biggest of the evening. Pike and whitefish were also around and we headed back just before dark. Perfect day with spring like temps of +5C.
    1 point
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