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A different kind of carping report


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Went to my local swim this morning to do some carping. I have been using my new 6 meter pole (actually, a whip to be correct for those European anglers) for carping for a few weeks now since I bought it about a month ago.


Carping with this pole with 0.5g - 1g float, 5 lb main line / 3lb leader and size 12 hook is very different from carping with the pod, alarm .. etc. When I have a carp on I actually hope it's not too big for my pole. Without a reel to let the carp strip line from, the 6meter 3 - 5 lb line is all I have to play the fish with. Sometimes the line would break within 3 seconds because either the carp gives all it has or it's just too big for my rod/line to handle. And for the 3 seconds you can actually hear the "sound of the rod in stress" (don't know what you call that but hope you know what I mean), and that's sometimes all I get from the fish.


Anyway, for 3 hours of effort, I landed 5 carp, 9 bull heads. One carp broke my line with my float (this is a big failure), 3 broke my leader only (I consider this meaning the correct set up so it breaks where it is supposed to break).


Anyway, this is the lot in my keep net.





another group shot





These are some individual shots, I borrow my son's bug net for this kind of fishing. It servers the duty nicely so I never bother with my other nets.





I could post a lot of these but they all look similar. All in 13 - 16" range.


Last one with me in it.



Edited by wolfville
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Great report Wolfville good result for just a few hours, dont worry about the 5lb line and float the fish will soon loose that, all the best laid plans etc etc, I would be a bit more worried if it was 20lb line that could snag the fish up :stretcher: I had a mate who was match fishing using a 6M pole he caught a large carp 1 hour before the end of the match, the match rules were something like has to be landed within 20mins of the whistle, unfortunately he didnt land it it just plodded around under his rod for 2 hours before breaking him off.


Regards Clive

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English, mine is not a pole (can't equip with elastic) so I don't think I have any chance landing anything over 5lb. Unless the fish jumps into my keepnet by itself ;-) A real pole is my next step, but I can't imagine how those park users walking by will say when they see that. I mean, I already got more attention than I can handle with the 6 meter whip ;-)

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Hmm.. interesting way of fishing, but I'd take my ultra light over that any day. Nice report!



Rich, I went for another session this morning with my noodle rod. I can tell you it's just different. With a pole you have much better control on presentation for corase fishing. And you can be sure the exact spot your hook bait is will also be where you drop your loose feed. Now, with bass and other prediators it's a different story.

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