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Rideau River Bassin' Report - July 23

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Hello All,


Got a call from my Dad this morning asking for some help (read: needed pickup truck) to load up a dishwasher in town. Since I love the stretch of the Rideau that is situated close by, the boat made the trip down also.

Launched the rig at 2pm to calm waters and a high temperature. A haze was in the sky and the clouds were moving in and out all day.

Started flipping the slop and pads directly out from the launch, and missed a quick fish on my eight or ninth pitch. Kept working the area (3 to 4-feet of water), and my Dad finally connects with a small fish. (Told him he can do better for a photo, and of course, he only caught one more...no photos of the old guy today!)


My first fish came from a shoreline area that has sparse rocks and weed. He was sitting up on the rocks sunning himself..




Worked our way to a new area of slop, that was sitting over slightly deeper water. Got this decent fish 10 minutes in..




An image of the flipping jig and trailer combination..




A neat thing happened next. I decided to tie on a Toad, as I had never experimented with one to this day. (Bought a Kit from BPS a couple months back, so the boat was well-stocked.) I guess you could say I have a hard time taking the flipping jig off..

So, I began tossing the Toad around. Before I can take my third cast, I see a small clumb of emergent arrowheads with a bit of slop pushed up against it. I also see a large dragon fly buzzing about. Next thing I know, out of the water blasts a largie, trying to grab the dragon fly in mid flight!! Well, the fish missed his target, and the dragon fly landed on one of the reeds. (I think he was mocking him..)

I tell my Dad to watch this, and zing the Toad out, letting it land about 10 feet past the area. Start buzzing the lure toward the structure and the water erupts! Fish on!


My first Toad fish - and it was a memorable one!






Well, after watching that go down, my Dad has to try one also. First cast.....Kaboom! Sadly, he lost it half way to the boat.


I had another four or five good explosions on the bait, but the hooking percentage isn't great on these guys. They are a tonne of fun, and I'll be throwing them each time out for sure.


Here are a few shots of the areas we worked..








As you can see, awesome looking bass locations!


Well, could only spend three short hours on the water, but had a decent outing. Put nine fish in the boat, but I imagine we lost or missed at least that many fish..

Another great day fishing with Dad.


Good Fishing,


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Justin, keep working on it. The hook up and landing rate is PHENOMENAL on these baits with the right gear. Well over 95%. If you get a big explosion that misses, those are usually small pike. Check the body of the bait for the telltale slice cuts or for missing feet (grrr!). I use the toad for pre-fishing and have had bass hold it in there mouths for over 90 seconds before finally being cajoled to drop it. Don't set on the explosion, wait til you see the line swimming off and then set the hook as hard as you can. 65 lb braid and a 6/0 EWG are the ticket.


Glad to hear those Rideau bass still love the toad.



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nice report as always Justin, I have yet to get a flipping jig bass cant seem to master the pitch/flip casting and I go back to the senkos your reports with the flipping jigs always make me want to try it again I think I will in Hamilton harbour tonight!

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