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Bass Opener Report


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Well it was a great day on Long Point Bay. Tons of fish, but nothing huge. Sleded got a nice one just under 3 lbs. When he weighed in at 2:00pm he was at 5th place.. by 4:00 he had been beat out of the leaderboard. Too bad, but a nice fish nonetheless. We got a few pics, mostly video. Sleded's bass pic kinda sucks cuz it was taken with the video cam rather than the digital still cam.


Great opener, looking forward to many more days on the water this summer.











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Good job boys. Is it just the black shirts or did you guys both drop a few pounds since last summer?


I've dropped 50lbs since September. I dunno about Sleded though, what with his 90% battered rib diet. :whistling:

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