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Clean Disruption NF Electric Cars not that far away!


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I'm not sure where the 'clean' electricity is going to come from. Burning oil, gas, or coal to produce it contributes to the green house gases. There are plenty of opponents of nuclear, solar, wind.(The NIMBY's in our area are putting up a vigorous fight against wind). Our best hope might be to have millions of hampsters on treadmills being fed corn.

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I'm not sure where the 'clean' electricity is going to come from. Burning oil, gas, or coal to produce it contributes to the green house gases. There are plenty of opponents of nuclear, solar, wind.(The NIMBY's in our area are putting up a vigorous fight against wind). Our best hope might be to have millions of hampsters on treadmills being fed corn.

But that bold part of your statement would be incredibly inefficient. The hamsters wouldn't be able to convert anywhere near the food energy input into energy output to the wheels, and the cost and energy required to produce the corn would be prohibitive :sarcasm:


As for the NIMBY's, maybe if Trump continues to oppose turbines (or windmills, as he calls them) maybe more people will come around to them just to spite him.


I think the more green energy, renewables and carbon neutral power sources like nuclear are out there and the misinformation surrounding them is vetted and disposed of the more people will become accepting of them. We need to move away from fossil fuels and of course it isn't going to happen tomorrow, but someday soon, and maybe sooner than you realize.

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I'm not sure where the 'clean' electricity is going to come from. Burning oil, gas, or coal to produce it contributes to the green house gases. There are plenty of opponents of nuclear, solar, wind.(The NIMBY's in our area are putting up a vigorous fight against wind). Our best hope might be to have millions of hampsters on treadmills being fed corn.


I am a fan of nuclear myself. But most the people who are concerned with emissions don't like nuclear either.

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I am a fan of nuclear myself. But most the people who are concerned with emissions don't like nuclear either.

Pick your poison ...

Everything comes at a cost ... spent nuclear fuel rods stored in pools and then moved to offsite storage sites... how long is the radioactive decay last ?

Burning charcoal , gasoline and oil isn't going to help the planet either .

Interesting documentary on NatGeo channel about how the US utility commissions lobby congressman and Senators to stop funding Solar , they have never had to deal with competition of any sort so they don't know what to do , and the politicians get monetary support to not help solar companies.

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