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Quick Report: Fins and Wings

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Well it's been a long, hot dry summer. I seem to be the only one around who is glad it's over though. Working 6 days a week and cutting my firewood for the next two years has kept me very busy. I hadn't been out musky fishing since June, just too damn hot.


But I booked the last 3 days off work to spend at a cottage with a couple of my siblings to go fishing. I was hoping the fish would be on fire. They were not.


We got there Friday afternoon and after grabbing some food we went out for a fish after supper. I was casting musky gear and they were both casting bass sized lures. We didn't even see a fish. Not a hit, not a blow up, not a follow. Well it was getting dark so I thought we'd fish this weedbed by the cottage then head in, I've had luck there in the past. Around 7pm or so I finally get a hit, fish on! After a nice quick fight I get it into the net.




40" musky. I'll take it.


The next day we start before the sun comes up and we cast. All day long. My brother must have went through a dozen different lures trying to get anything to hit. As for me, I didn't get anything either. Not even a pike follow. So after a full day of casting and it starting to get dark, same plan as the night before. Fish that giant weed bed and work our way towards the cottage. I'm coming up to the exact same spot as the night before, same lure, approximately the same time and I get another hit. This one was noticeably stronger and when I had it near the back of the boat and was leaning out to keep it away from my motors it turned around and made a strong run in the opposite direction, taking 20-30' of line out and almost pulling me in the lake in the process. I tighten my drag down enough that I have to wrap my hand around it to pull it out. I've had musky take line on me but not quite like that. We got it in the net though. It wasn't my biggest but the first thing I noticed was how thick it was.




44.5 inches.


We were pretty much done for the night so after trying to jig up some walleye after dark with only rock bass to show for it we went in. We didn't see a fish the next morning but I was happy with how the weekend went. Much needed time away from work.


So after getting home and unpacking everything I decide to go for a quick grouse hunt. It was quick all right. I just started hunting this year and didn't have any luck so far any time I went out earlier. They'd fly off long before I could ever see them to get a clear shot off. This day was different. Minutes in I get three coming out of a bush right after each other. It was delayed too, I see one, boom, it's down. Walk towards it, another comes out, boom, it's down. Walk even closer, ANOTHER comes out, boom, it's down. So I pick up my shells and go to grab the three I got, a 4th comes walking out right in front of me, then flies up. Didn't get a shot at him as I was just reloading. Saw another one further down but missed it as it flew behind some trees.




Not a bad weekend at all. A couple of solid musky and my first three grouse.

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