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Need honest advice for Salmon/ Trout fishing


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A friend of mine is moving to Calgary and wants to go salmon fishing before heading out west. I promised him that we would go this Thursday somewhere. Anywhere.


I know most will say to go and try and both of us have been doing just that at port credit and bronte but no dice! And that is the case for most guys fishing there unless this past weekend things have changed.


This is the one time he has to go as he is willing to spend 4-5 hours through the night even though he has work the next day.


I was looking into port hope but have been hearing conflicting reports and is almost 2 hours from my place. Some are saying that the salmon have come and gone, while some are saying that they are still lots at the river mouth. A guy I met at at bronte was saying just a few days ago that he was catching them at port hope at the rate of 3-4 landed fish per outing.


Other places I would like to try or think about are:


Port Hope from Pier

Niagara whirlpool (I know the hike back up is tough but worth it if fishing is good)

Any of lake Huron Tributaries from river mouth
Any other Lake Ontario Tributaries from river mouth

Any other places you can recommend



I don't mind going to some place even though the salmon have come and gone as long as there are other similar fish like trout.


Please Pm if you wish.



Edited by huzzsaba
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If I wanted to actually land some fish before taking off, I'd be booking a charter


Thanks for the recommendation. I was actually thinking of that too but would like to go for the cheaper option first ie shore fishing before considering a charter.


He is still here for a few weeks and if we don't catch anything, we will be looking into a charter.

Edited by huzzsaba
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Salmon enter the rivers after a rain so I would expect the rivers to have a fresh batch of salmon. I don't do a lot of river fishing so I cannot help much with specifics.


The run is definitely not over. There will still be salmon in the rivers until the end of October.



Thanks for the reply. I agree. That is why I want to fish from the river mouth where they are probably hanging out until it rains.

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I've been catching chinooks and browns off the piers since the middle of July at various locations along the North Shore of Lake O. It's been a weird year for me with no real consistency - It's definitely been an up and down type of season for me with temperatures and wind playing a huge role. With a lack of rain and colder temps, the piers (or out in the lake) will be the place to be until the next big downpour.


At this point in the season, pretty much all piers and harbours should have fish mingling around. We had a massive run of fish moving up the rivers 2 weeks ago. Since then, they've primarily been stacking up at the mouths. There's still plenty of fish out in the lake to be caught.


My friend and I hit up a local pier last night to check out the super moon and do some fishing. Couldn't see the super moon through the clouds but I did land 1 chinny - It made for a great birthday gift with no other anglers around. Granted, we fished till 1am and I only got a few hours of sleep before having to go to work...Still worth it IMO.LOL

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