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Lake Ontario underwater air balloons

John Bacon

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Has anyone else heard of these? I wonder of they will serve as structure for the salmon. If so, I hope they don't puncture too easily.


This would have made more sense if they had built the wind mills along the shore line that had previously been studied. I don't think they will be getting a lot of renewable energy down town. There is one wind mill by the Ex and one in Pickering.




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John I guess you don't live on the Lake Erie shoreline. It's bad enough having 3 of them behind us and close enough I can hear the whoosh, whoosh in the Winter when the leaves on the trees don't block the sound. Now someone wants to spoil my view by putting them in my back yard too. Come on man, please don't give them anymore insane ideas. The sad thing is if it was economically feasible to do so the Liberals would have already done it. The cost to put one on farmland is in excess of a million, imagine the cost to build in the middle of the lake just for the cable alone to tie into the land grid. A friend had a trucking contract to haul stone and build the laneways, $200,000 to $300,000 for each laneway depending how long it was, and that's before they drive a single pylon.


Storing Natural Gas in the lake is nothing new. They currently store NG in spent wells on Erie and have for several years now.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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The sad thing is if it was economically feasible to do so the Liberals would have already done it.


Actually, I am not convinced that economic feasibility plays a large part in the decision making by the Ontario Liberals. It is more likely that they felt that they would have lost votes if they built them. That is why the ones along the Lake Ontario shoreline were cancelled; despite McGuinty's promise not to listen to the NIMBY people.


I wonder if these ones are practical. They look nicer, I am sure what the cost/benefit it.



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There is a point even where the Liberals will actually choose not to waste money. That probably has more to do to not being able to partner with a 2nd party like Samsung that isn't willing to go into bankruptcy protection with the province.


Wind generated power goes back 1000's of years . Generation of electrical power is nothing new either. I remember being a kid and my Nono drawing me a picture of how a 40 gallon drum can be turned into a windmill to generate electricity when I asked him how the light on my bike works without a battery.


There is a reason I pay almost 6K in property taxes for a thousand square foot shack with no water, sewer, garbage pick up, side walk, no real services from the county at all really. It may have something to do with the view. I want my view, don't mess with my view.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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John I guess you don't live on the Lake Erie shoreline. It's bad enough having 3 of them behind us and close enough I can hear the whoosh, whoosh in the Winter when the leaves on the trees don't block the sound. Now someone wants to spoil my view by putting them in my back yard too. Come on man, please don't give them anymore insane ideas. The sad thing is if it was economically feasible to do so the Liberals would have already done it. The cost to put one on farmland is in excess of a million, imagine the cost to build in the middle of the lake just for the cable alone to tie into the land grid. A friend had a trucking contract to haul stone and build the laneways, $200,000 to $300,000 for each laneway depending how long it was, and that's before they drive a single pylon.


Storing Natural Gas in the lake is nothing new. They currently store NG in spent wells on Erie and have for several years now.

I can't agree more.......AND wind energy is one of the most expensive ways to produce energy believe it or not.


Once they put them in our Great Lakes they will be there FOREVER ! ! ! Even if they no longer are maintained to operate they will be abandoned and make huge eye sores for EVERYONE.

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