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Depart at sundown.. into known IFR (it was snowing and sleeting heavily) for Owen Sound, in a single engine Cessna without heated prop or leading edge deice.... not going to be a good outcome. Harsh... but reality, sorry.


And Yes Lew you'd be pretty much bang on course for Cornwall to Owen Sound.. for a Herc to buzz the house looking for the poor sole along his proposed flight path.

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And Yes Lew you'd be pretty much bang on course for Cornwall to Owen Sound.. for a Herc to buzz the house looking for the poor sole along his proposed flight path.


There's Herc flies over here most days Wayne but if the missing plane left Cornwall at 5:00 last evening I doubt that's what I heard this morning, 10 hours later.

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If he wasnt due into Owen Sound until 8 last night ...then they would have given him a certain amount of time to be late ....then they would scramble to get the search going ...it wouldnt surprise me if they were unsuccessfully searching for him Lew...and were forced to continue in the day light hours.. :dunno:

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It's odd, but when that plane came over so low and at that time of morning, the 1st thing I thought of was a plane in trouble. I was sitting here at the computer at the time and it sounded like he was only a couple 100' above the house.


This Herc buzzed my tree tops a couple years back and this mornings fly-by sounded like he was just as close to me.



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Saw a large plane flying east from Tiny and south of Vinden street in Midland around 9:30am today.

Was flying very low and close to the tree tops. I had not heard about the missing pilot & airplane but knew they were searching for something or someone.

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Unfortunate, but as I sadly expected and my heart goes out to any family he had. Flight path gave him Midland airport less than 3 miles off track to the East.. although "gotta get there" (Owen Sound) was an obvious situation right from take off into known bad weather conditions. No I'm not holier than thou... I've been there more than once (flying into unpredicted IFR) and still have the white knuckles... but with a better outcome.

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Instrument Flight Rules... IE" no reference to the ground... and totally flying via your panel instruments in an aircraft that IMHO is not suitable for true IFR work and especially not during a snow and sleet storm. Like I said, I've been there (in rain and fog) and lucky (or skilled) enough to come out the other side. Snow and sleet that may have hampered the lift capabilities of the wings would be a whole nother ball game.

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The basic statistic for a pilot, even high time, that has no true IFR training and has flown VFR (Visual horizon reference) all their life is about 3 minutes to enter a spiral dive or spin after flying into IFR conditions. Can't imagine getting into this scenario in total darkness.. in snow and sleet to boot as happened last night. Mind you giving that some thought I actually found myself in a similar situation in Dec 1998 flying my UTVA 66 home from Collingwood (after doing only 4 circuits there after it's purchase), when I watched the street lights come on from the West end of Wasaga beach to the East end. After Wasaga I was into total darkness and then it started to snow. If not for the fact I clicked my push to talk 6 times while over the Tiny Marsh, to turn on the runway lights at Midland airport, I would have ended up flying up the coast and ended up at Christian Island instead of turning and heading for home in Penetang. After the lights of Midland were behind me, the only reference from there was a light on the farm house a concession road over from our aerodrome and my quick thinking wife (that thought she saw a car in the air and then realized it was me coming home) parked her truck with lights perpendicular to mid field at home to give me a reference or I would have probably spun in short.

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