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Another local tackle shop goes down!


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Bump (ish)


I had to go to Fort Erie on biz, so thanks to Rick; I made a detour.


I went to Gills for the first and maybe the last time.


I entered the store and felt a heaviness.


Behind the counter was the nicest guy who anyone would call a friend.


During the 45 min. I spent there, I witnessed customers come and make purchases they did not need to make.


Myself included.


(Talk about respect: a parking authority officer even came into the shop and asked if any customers had a van outside that had an expired meter, just so one of Reg's customers wouldn't get ticketed!! I got a laugh when I said that you won't get that in T.O.!!)


You would never know this store was closing for good with such a viberant soul.


I told him who I was and that Rick had posted this thread.


I also promised a bump


There are great deals there from an exceptional person.


I would go for the history.

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Personally I have nothing against BPS, but I will never set foot in their store, just because of the lack of personal service & knowledge that these huge 'super-stores' have. I live 10 minutes away from Lebaron's (whose service seems to have improved noticeably lately) so the day to day things I need are bought there, for convenience. When fishing out east, Tightlines or Gagnons, and of course, if I have a large 'need' list, I spend $20.00 on gas & invest a couple hours in the drive to Fishing World in Hamilton. It may cost me a little more, but I know I have a good guarantee on everything I buy, plus up to date & accurate info on what's hitting, and what they're hitting on in the area! I rarely argue prices with any of these places, and I find little need to squabble about a buck or 2 here & there. Just like I wouldn't think of arguing prices of cuts of meat from my butcher, or ask for a discount at my favorite restaraunt! Plus . . . . to the best of my knowledge, the profits (if any) these smaller stores make, stay in Canada!


P. S.


For you carper guys . . . . I think Mike at Fishing World MIGHT have a few of the discontinued Technium & Nexave carp rods at DEEPLY discounted prices left from last summer. I saw a VERY few last time I was there! EXCELLENT rods for carp!!

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Sad news but I guess thats the way things are going. I really only go to two places for fishing stuff. One a small guy and the other LeBarons. Funny I was so happy when I heard that BPS was coming to the area because I was sick of dealing with LeBarons. Then the store opened and they didn't carry Excalibur crossbows after making a big point of being in Canada and selling Canadian products. Glad they carry Excalibur now though. Anyway that sent me back to Lebarons. Funny thing happened. Once BPS was open the service at LeBarons got a lot better. I avoid BPS if I can and try and give my bussiness to Lebaron or Fishing Depot. If you fish for muskie BPS isn't much use to you anyway.

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gonna miss the personal service and smiles while in there as well...

The big stores are hard to shop at compared to the small city guys trying to make a living.. BPS are nowhere near as helpfull nor are any of the big chains ..Sad to see another local business fall....


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I wonder if the Ma and Pa shops deal with distributors? If so, would it not be possible to bypass them altogheter, and pass on the savings to the consumer? Last year I bought a CMC power tilt and trim unit for my boat . Everyone I contacted quoted me $700 + tax + shipping. It was a Ma and Pa shop that came through for me! I saved close to $200!!!!! But what blowed me away, was when I went to pick it up, I noticed the bill was $ 20 less then the price we had agreed. I asked why? He said it came in cheaper than what he quoted me so he passed on the savings to me!!!

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Thanks to everyone that stopped in during the first week of the close-out. It was nice meeting a few new faces this week like Snog. The biggest loss of closing will be all the great people we have met over the past years. I'll really miss just having a few guys in and telling our fishing tales. We plan on continuing the sale through June (weds-sat) so if your in the Niagara area stop in for a chat and some deals.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

welp... they're down to 40% off now with 2 weeks to go... bass guys gotta get in there, lots of good plastics left, including GY senko's... still rods and reels left... tonnes 'o good stuff left still!!

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