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Finally met a goal that I set for 2007 today


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Back in the 2007 fishing goal thread I said the following...


"For 2007 I just hope to continue to have the physical and financial health to fish as much as I like with the all of the same people I fished with this year. On top of that I would also like to meet twice as many new fishing buds this year as I did in 06. I have one other goal that is the same as last year I hope to watch my father get his first rainbow in long long time because we didn't get it done last year. Now if I could just convince him that at 71 he doesn't need to work 7 days a week it could actually happen too LOL."


Well today my parents came into the restaurant where I work part time and I told my dad I was going Rainbow fishing this afternoon. He said he should go along too. I was shocked he wasn't working but I quickly changed my plan of plodding through the bush upstream on a couple of tribs as the walk would be a bit much for him. To just going out on the pier at one of my favorite tribs and having a go with some old fashioned bottom fishing off the dock as it were. Dad agreed that sounded like a good way to spent the afternoon. After a bit of a late start we were on our way. We got out on the pier about 3:30 and things looked good when we got there as the fish were literally flying in the air as we walked out to our favourite spot.


We got set up and were just settling down enjoying watching a ton of fish surface thinking we might be wanting to switch to tossing spoons when I hooked a OOS bass. The day was nice and warm, with a heavy cloud cover and the water was that perfect shade of dirty green that you look for when hunting chrome. After the first bass though I was thinking OH OH we might have to cut the trip short if the bass keep biting.... No worries though as we only got a hit from that one bass. We had to keep reeling in because boats kept going in and out doing their preseason shakedown runs I guess. Anyhow after the third boat in less than 5 minutes went out and my dad recast and a minute later gets on the board with a 2" shiner minnow how he hooked it I don't know but as he was reeling in the rod was almost ripped out of his hands as a fish grabbed the minnow. I got a look at the fish and was 90% sure it was a bow. Dad was miffed he missed it.


So on with a new row bag and a twenty minute wait when we hear a loud diesel pounding into shore. I tell everyone to watch their rods since that noise usually gets the fish going. Sure enough about 5 minutes later my dads line moves in towards him about a foot. He tries a hook set and it seems that nothing is there but I see his line still zipping in toward him. I am just about to tell him to reel faster when he catches up with the line the rod bends double and SPLOSH, SPLASH there is a beautiful 3 to 4 lb Rainbow hen tail walking across the water in front of us. After a fun filled fight I net it for him.


I ask him if all those frozen mornings he spent from January til April were worth the wait to get his first rainbow in over 15 yrs.... His smile said it all.


I am not ashamed to say that the 2lb male bow I landed about a half later didn't even come close to being a ten of the fun I got from watching dad finally his rainbow today.

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And that is what fishing is all about. I'm sure the excitement you felt for your dad was the same excitement he felt for you when you were a young kid. The report was very well written....I felt like I was a spectator! Congrats to you and your dad....you had a memorable day out there....priceless....really priceless.

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Great story, thanks for taking the time! Where's the pics? LOL :clapping:



I keep meaning to get a digital camera.... But everytime I think about it I stop because I know if I get one it is going in the water at some point. So I know I should buy one that will take a dunking with no ill effects. That means either a Pentax or Olympus and all of the water line camers have a fatal flaw in that the LCD screens tend to wash out "bright" sunlight making the whole thing useless. I keep hoping someone will make one that works though....

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