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I'm going to go down to the grand river and try to catch some carp. I've never fished for it before so I was just wondering if anyone has some suggestions on how to hook onto one. I've heard to use corn but is it truely a good bait? Any help or advice would be great, thanks.

Posted (edited)

When I would go out I would use corn first I would toss a buch out to the area I was fishing to attract them. You can also poke holes in a can attach a rope to it and toss it to the area to keep tge scent there. I made my own blowback rigs and would attach a couple float beads to it so that when the carp sucks the corn in and blows it out before eating it the hook gets stuck good in there lip.


Some will say you need to soak the corn in strawberry koolaid but just regular canned corn works good. Cast your line out sit back and enjoy the day

Edited by Mike P.

Yep corn works. That being said there is corn that is made specifically for carp and is scented. You will also want to get some dough mixture to chum the water.


Good luck.


Don't worry about any special bait, corn or white bread rolled into balls will work fine, be sure to thow a couple of handfulls of corn into your fishing area to start and more after each fish. One thing to remember is to put the corn on the hook in such a way as you block the gap and the point of the hook as little as possible.


Good luck! :Gonefishing:


If you catch some & decide you like the fight they put up, and you're going to get into the carp fishin', find a place that sells animal feed . . . it averages under $14.00 for a 40 kilo bag of cattle corn. It can get expensive chumming an area with cans of corn, and the catfish & gobies will strip your hook very quickly! I boil mine for about an hour (about 10 pounds at a time) then leave it sit and soak for a few days. If it ferments a bit, you'll have a bunch of drunken carp attacking canoes & boats! If ya need something to store it in, check out a local Tim Horton's . . . . they get different kinds of mixes in 4 gallon pails, which they toss out when they are emptied! Good luck . . .. I'm sure if ya get one, you'll be sold on 'em!


I was going to try just down from the parkhill dam in cambridge. And thanks for the advice. I'm going to look into that blowback rig you are talking about. Is "chuming the water" putting a scent into the water?


Yeah h h h . . . . . . 'chumming' is tossing bait in where you're fishing . . . you won't get much distance chucking it by hand unless your name is Roy Halliday . . . I believe Crappy Tire sells decent catapults pretty cheap.


Lots of good advice from the guys here. You can also check this out.Carping for beginners

After you have read the tutorial. I would like to add. I have fished downstream from that dam before and there can be a lot of weed drifting down. You can try getting your rod tip as high as possible in order to minimize the amount of line in the water. It is not an ideal for hooking carp but will help prevent your hook being dragged down stream.

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