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In my own defence

Skipper D

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If after you read this and you don't like what you read here or the spelling was not good enough for you , stay quit , keep your fingers off the printing keys and move on to some thing you like better . I need to deal with some thing here , its a free forum and i will do my best to be tacful yet get a point across from one guy who will never be able to stand up to most . WHO WOULD YOU TURN OUT TO BE IF: . No Symphathy is need any where here in what i am about to write as its coming from expereinces that made me who i am and i like who i am as well as those who realy know me , for the rest its your lost . The only reason i want to defend my self here is so the many others who PM me yesterday wont have stay speachless and be afraid to come forward and be apart of this forum out in the open instead of on the side lines . SO i got off to a bad start , at 6 rears old and from then on other people raised me , it had its good and bads . Yes i was a french kid , but they sent me to english schools for my education , got off on a real slow start at that and in so ways never caught up , school was boaring as hell , most of the things they taught did not interest me , and so i was labled as some one you could not teach and gave up on . Ha but i did learn in other ways that you can't if your paying atention to them . But you know when they gave up on me and i was young and did'nt know better , i beleived what they said about me , so i went thru school thnik i was dum and i gave up trying as well . Funny thing tho i realized later in life that back then if there was some thing that caught my interest and i payed atention it was'nt long i was better at it then any one close . I leaned about life perhapes in a hard way but i also had some good gideance along the way from a few to which i never forgoten . One lady who helped raise me once told me after i asked her what did she think i could be when i grew up and said , i think you can be a person who could set a good example for others to fallow and that interest me god bless her soul and for her i've tryed to do that every day in everthing i do . Yesterday i was only trying to show every one how i was trying to stand up for us all and combat one little problem we all have when it come to receiving junk mail we don't like . I will never leave it at that if it not good for me or you just so you know , thats who i am . Trust me when i say i am here to learn about fishing from you and i will always try to share what little i know about the thread i am on . No harm was done to me yesterday that i hav'nt already went thru in my life , but a word of warning , i can go thru it better then most and you will never win at it . Rock the boat ??? Why not ..Instein did . Thanks every one , your a great bunch , some even with atidude ....... lol .O' yes P.S. to day i own my own home and a well known upstanding business in my community that reachs thru out all of Ontario and nothing was handed to me nothing , here will be no differant when it comes to fishing .

Edited by Skipper " D "
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im with you skip....


there are lots of people from where we grew up that are bilingual... and not everything translates well...


and i agree with your train of thought regarding how spelling shouldnt reflect what you can do... if i cant spell... does that mean im gunna suck at catching fish...?lol no.... but it seems that every thread i start now there is always someone that always find something in there to criticize me as a guide... it doesnt make any sense...people arent perfect... that doesnt mean they cant do their jobs right...


mike... you expect your friends to pay their way...OMG... you must be a bad guide....

mike... you ice fish near open water...you must be a bad guide...

mike... you dont charge enough money.... you must be a bad guide...

mike... quit doing reports... no other guides do reports..."quit pumping the tires"...you must be a bad guide...



what else...? if i say i dont like brussel sprouts... i must be a bad guide...


there are a lot of people on this site that will do a lot to help people along in life...there are some that have helped me and still are....and for that i am gratefull... but it seems that there are just as many if not more people on this site that are looking to bash and slam anybody that has opinions or maybe doesnt know as much as them about something...


i find it hard to believe there are as many (ACTIVE) members on this site as there are... its no wonder most are lurkers...

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Ok, I don't know about everyone else but I'm very tired of this stuff. Let me tell you something that you may not be aware of. Every single person that I know, including myself have gone through, and are presently going through and coping with as many or more challenges than you have.

I'll lock this thread just so you remember what kind of drama the board doesn't need. If you have a problem, talk to someone about it privately and deal with it....we all are.


And BTW, I love brussel sprouts.

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