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coin flip


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So I awoke this morning at the annoying sound of my alarm at the late time of 5 45 am. turned on the coffee and called my fishing "partner" no reply, 2 text messages no reply at 6 30 the 3rd text said ya got 15 minutes last call. still no reply.


after not sleeping very well and not gettin any shut eye until 2 am i considered headingback to bed, it was -14 out and too cold to take the pup as well. it was a coin toss morning, there i stood in my kitchen in a pair of white long johns with coffee in hand, wondering if i should go. i considered the fact that it is a favourite speck lake full of beuty naturals and although a long sled ride and hike in it has always been worth it. but on the other hand would i be kicking myself in the butt when i got home wondering if i should have just gone back to bed.


all it took was the ambition to get my socks on and then the rest of the outdoor apparel followed. in a matter of minutes i was tucking the pup under the blankets in the comfort of my bed and headed out the door. by this time it was nearly 7 am, 45 minutes later than i was originally planning on. so off the road i go and unload the sled, break trail for half hour and start hiking, made it in good, drilling my first hole at 8 55. I had chosen to go with the largest dace i had to try to fend off some of the smaller ones i often catch. by 9 30 i had a pair of nice specks a male and a female both about 14 inches. after having missed 3 fish i was getting down a bit. i had one small tap and went over and couldnt help but see the bugger down the hole, about a pound specky when in came a nice 3-4 pounder and continued to smack the minnow with his nose, never actually biting it, then all of a sudden another fish came in and pounded the minnow, this fish making the 3-4 pounder look small, i would HAVE put this fish around 6 lbs. as i was laying on my stomach looking down the hole i made a poor hookset on this monster and only got a couple pulls on it. man was i upset, so after a couple smokes by the fire i got another hit just a small tap, the bite seemed light, i went over to my line and seen a 3 punder swallow my dace, fish on. just a few pulls later (4 fow) a nice 3 lb 4oz speck layed at my feet. after seeing a few fish around 2-4 lbs swimming around my bait i was getting discouraged with jigging a spoon, i put on the biggest lure i had trying to get any kind of hit out of aggression and still nothing. my next two fish i caught looking down the hole but the trick was to stir the bottom up heavily with the sinker hitting the mud then pulling the dace just to the top of the stirred mud. and BAM, they hammered it this time, i released my limit fish 3 times and finally kept one at the end of the day before packing up, my days total was 8 specks most between 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 lbs to the exception of the 3-1/4.


wish i had of taken the tripod in but left it in the truck for weight reasons for my walk




group photo back at home.



my set line minnow size compared to a AA battery




my first 3 of the day




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It's a good thing you decided to go Matt... some real beauties in them pics :w00t: Like you, yesterday, had to change presentation & tactics since the beauties didn't want their meal going up and down :w00t:


They only wanted it not moving... chartreuse seemed to be the color they wanted, finicky if you ask me :lol:


Great job on landing them beauts :thumbsup_anim:

Thanks for sharing and tight lines!


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Very good Matt! Another successful outing. Those specs are trophies.


I was on Nos again today and we only managed one 2 pounder.




same time again? wonder if they moved out of that spot.

Nice haul, Matt. That 6 pounder would have been sweet!

thanks Blue, it would have been awesome, my dad's biggest speck is 5 10 so i think thios one would have beat his. been trying for 6 years to beat his hog.


That one is a true hog! I'm gonna be tryin to keep my streak of icing rainbows going up your way this weekend.

yea its a beauty fish, helped me forget about having missed a monster. the rainbow bite has been good around here lately from what a few buds have been tellin me. best of luck.

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