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Lowrance Structure Scan


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Hello Everyone,


I am thinking about buying the Lowrance structure scan over the winter to add to the boat in the spring.



Does anyone have this on their boat already? and if so, what do you think of it? has it helped you? What are the advantages/disadvantages.



I have read alot of forums about it an checked out screenshots etc. and it seems very useful, but most screenshots are from lakes in the U.S, so feedback from people who use it on our Ontario waters would be more useful I think.


Thanks in advance.

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I installed it last winter when there was a mail-in rebate thingy.


I think its great, its definitely worth the $. Finding weeds is really nice, and being able to tell what you are seeing is easier. I'm not sure if you have two units, but I ordered the extra ethernet cable for the front unit so they are networked. Having the ability to see the waypoint I just dropped at the wheel unit up on the bow unit is GREAT, I feel its a huge benefit



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I added the SS to my HDS last spring. AWESOME tool on the in land lakes (especially ones that I have never fished before). Pretty cool to see/mark a bait ball on Lake Ontario as well.

I would wait for the late winter/early spring as this is when they usually come out with the rebates.



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I have 2 units networked together right now, HDS-7 at the console and HDS-5 up front. I am hoping this unit helps me find new water.



How do you find it works in murky water, or water shallower than 10'?



What lake do you do most of your fishing on? I noticed you were from Kitchener which is close to where I live.

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I have it and it can be great, side scan is not real great on the hds5 because of the size of the screen

but the down scan shows everything


so it depends on the type of fishing you do

if you do a lot of trolling, that is where it really pays off you will see structure out to the sides and you can mark it with a waypoint same with balls of bait fish and fish, then you go back and fish it


guys on simcoe have claimed to have found cars trucks boats and 2 skidoos on the bottom

so they do work

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