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Forrest Lodge on Caribou


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Last week of Sept., I took my wife to Caribou Lake to celebrate 20 yr. anniversary. :w00t:


I posted before I left if anyone on this forum had any info on this lake and other than Solo, not much info on this lake. I will try to give some info on this beautiful place.

Forrest Lodge is an awesome drive-in camp located about 9 miles from Armstrong. We arrived a day early to Armstrong as I did not want to be late(1570 miles) Armstrong is truly at "the end of the road"(527). I thought it was fasinating and had a blast.







The weather was great when we arrived at Forrest Lodge but that was going to change in a couple of days. I knew a couple fellas from a diferent forum who were leaving not long after we arrived. Met them as soon as we hit the water. They were fishing in about 60' of water in the middle of the lake with limited sucess. I decided to go to Smoothrock falls for the rest of the afternoon. Fished in 25-30' of water. We got skunked. I had 1 bite off.



The next day, I took the advice to fish where lodge owner suggested which was where we met the others the day before. Fishing in 60' water, decided to drag bottom bouncers with no luck. It was not long before the other boats in camp arrived where we were fishing and dropped in a respectable distance away. After they pulled in I decided to see if I could find greener pastures further down the lake. Best I could do.




Roxann did no better




This was our only good day of weather. Wind started howling that night and the whitecaps were huge the next day. I still went out looking for smoother fishable water without much sucess. The next day after that, here comes the snow as well as wind. Pulled the plug on the last day scheduled at camp.


Caribou Lake assorted pics










Now, I do want to give a shout out to Bear Paw Lodge on Caribou. I scouted this place while I was there. This place is 100% handicapped accessible. I like the concept. Pontoon boat and some nice boat upgrades.




We had a great trip regardless. The fishing was so secondary to me on this trip. I will always remember this trip fondly. We really did have a wonderful time. The wife and I needed this time for ourselves. Relationships are more important but it does take work.


Caribou Lake is a deep, clear lake with little or no current. One small outlet

trickles into Smoothrock with no major inlets. You wouldn't know it by me but I

do believe it is a very nice fishery. :whistling: Fishing pressure is much more than what

I'm accoustomed to. In addition to Forrest Lodge and Caribou Lake Lodge their is

Bear Paw Lodge and the "Little America" Indian camp. With a public launch, lots

of boats.

Proprietors, Scott and Mary Jo are very nice people and run a tight camp.

You know guys, this is an awesome place to go on a spur. One of the great values out there. RV and even tent camping is availiable. I set my late trip with less than a months notice.

Personally, I probably wouldn't go back as I have my June trips set and fall is where I want to experience other places in this slice of heaven we know as Ontario. If I lived anywhere in Ontario, I would be a regular on this lake. :Gonefishing: __________________

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Thanks guys for the kind words. To tell the truth, kinda sheepish of posting this report without much porn. :wallbash:


I also want to point out that with the train depot in Armstrong. One could ride the train from say Toronto area. I would guess that the lodge could pick you up from there.

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Despite the slow fishing, I enjoyed your post Pikeslayer. I spent plenty of time in the Armstrong area in years past but haven't been there in quite a few years now. My visits to Armstrong have always been work related, so I never got a chance to fish that far up 527. On a few occasions I worked up there during hunting season and enjoyed Grouse hunting after work. The road from Armstrong to Caribou was loaded with them and we had no problem bringing a limit home. Your photo of the Grouse is awesome. It brings back some great memories. Thanks for posting.

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Despite the slow fishing, I enjoyed your post Pikeslayer. I spent plenty of time in the Armstrong area in years past but haven't been there in quite a few years now. My visits to Armstrong have always been work related, so I never got a chance to fish that far up 527. On a few occasions I worked up there during hunting season and enjoyed Grouse hunting after work. The road from Armstrong to Caribou was loaded with them and we had no problem bringing a limit home. Your photo of the Grouse is awesome. It brings back some great memories. Thanks for posting.



The big events in Armstrong was the construction of a huge OPP station in town, also lots of railway workers. We stayed at Chateu North, and got the last room they had. Evelyn wanted to refund my money as they haven't rented room 208 in years. Was tiny and filled with laundry lol.

I enjoyed hanging out in the restaurant. Was pretty full till 10:00 at night. I enjoyed talking with the local Ojibway on Whitesand Res.

I was trying to track down a man who built a trapper camp on my beloved Wabakimi in the late 70's. I knew his name as we found it in his cabin after he left. Apparently he just moved to Thunder Bay and I barely missed him. Oh well, through this trip I was able to find "the Trappers Wife", who lives outside of Dryden and have communicated via email recently. Very cool


Amazing story, American Vietnam veteran who returned from the war, disallusioned and married a Ojibway gal, had a couple of kids and wintered in the Trapper camp on Wabakimi




This boat has been untouched for over 30 years





This is the chopper at the OPP



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The big events in Armstrong was the construction of a huge OPP station in town, also lots of railway workers. We stayed at Chateu North, and got the last room they had. Evelyn wanted to refund my money as they haven't rented room 208 in years. Was tiny and filled with laundry lol.



A couple more related notes Pikeslayer. There's 3 new OPP stations being built in the area. Armstrong, Nipigon and Dryden. I'll be doing the hvac for the Dryden project starting in a week from now. We have 8 months work scheduled there. I'm liking that. Also, I've stayed at Chateau North a time of two. However, it didn't look quite as nice back then as it does in your photos. Glad you enjoyed your trip up north. Come back soon.

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Glad you had a good time and yes, relationships and "alone time" are more important that good fishing (did I just say that :))!


Great report!


Thanks Joey and yes it is good to spend alone time with the woman who always waits at home all these years when I get to take my boys fishin up north.

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Glad you had a good time and yes, relationships and "alone time" are more important that good fishing (did I just say that :))!


Great report!


You did indeed Joey but it's all worth it when the bite is non existent, the craptastic weather is dropping rain the size of Glossettes and it's just the two of you in the boat with nothing but clean lures to show for the day ;)

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