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Can I still blow this shot up from the weekend?


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Hey All, I grabbed a coffee early one morning at the cottage this weekend and headed down to the dock. The scenery was breath taking, so I snapped a couple shots with my phone.


I just downloaded them and I am pretty disappointed. The phone camera was set at 640 X 480 resolution.


I really wanted to blow this up if I could. I am just a point and shoot photo guy, I just like the shot.


Is it still possible to get this printed or is the res to low?


Thanks in advance.


dock shot.jpg

Edited by Harrison
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It's going to pixelate like crazy if you blow it up and print it.


Agree. Might be interesting to try blowing it up and using the new Adobe deblurring feature when it is released, very impressive for sharpening blurry images. Would be interesting to see if it could help you out. Check out the link and watch the video. :good:



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Agree. Might be interesting to try blowing it up and using the new Adobe deblurring feature when it is released, very impressive for sharpening blurry images. Would be interesting to see if it could help you out. Check out the link and watch the video. :good:




That only works on motion blur unfortunately (so they say). I'll be surprised if we see that feature anytime soon. Adobe likes to tempt you with things like that and then never release them.


I just downloaded it, I'll see how big I can get it...


Edit: This is about as good as I can get it



Here's another where I boosted the vibrancy a bit:




You should be able to get a 5x7 print of that, I wouldn't try anything bigger though.

Edited by NateFollmer
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest chase4chrome

Hey Harrison:

I'm a professional photographer, schooled originally in wet chemistry and film. The adage in those days and on commercial shoots was to bracket your exposure (in the event you had no polaroid back to do an exposure test) and not be shy to use extra film (it's relatively cheap compare to a re-shoot). With the advent of digital (WOW) there is no reason:


-not to carry a point and shoot in your pocket (Sony Cyber has a Carl Zeiss lens, nice and sharp and likely less expensive than a phone)

-not to shoot high res all the time AND in colour (you can dump the colour in an editing suite for dramatic b&w)

-not to have several spare cards


etc., etc.


It's a minor investment (as I'm sure you have already made) and is easy to keep with you. Buy some good photo-editing software and WOW, there you is. Keep shooting Harrison...


Leave the phone in the car, besides you never know who is stalking the ether...



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