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Wabakimi Lake


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wow. Somehow I had missed this thread and just spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes reading the whole thing while putting my daughter bed.

So many outstanding details but what stands out is how much of a family trip it is for you and your crew. You and your sons must have many many great memories that I bet get shared over and over again

Very sorry to hear about your wife. Best of luck to you all.

Thanks for sharing this.


Thanks Gordy and you are right, my Canadian experience is a big part of who I am and who I want to be. A man's riches can be stripped away, but memories last a lifetime.


Thanks for reading and thanks for your concern for my wife. :blush:

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Wabakimi Trip June 2-9

This years trip is with my brother Bob, son Brett and newcomer plucked of the board over at Walleye Central, Rob.  Missing is #2 son Bradley.  Flew in to Wabakimi on June 2 a day earlier than planned.  Find out that we probably wouldn't of got in as scheduled.  Thank you "Northern Wilderness Outfitters", always looking out for us!  

Lake level was down 2 1/2"-3"  Water surface temps started at 51 and ended at 61 degree.



Brett's 43"


Walleye Taco...  I cooked the fish!


Brother day!


I like the way my pike frames my head.  Lol


A group from another outfitter Pipestone we have got to know a bit over the years being on the water together.  One of those guys I've gotton to know pretty well above and beyond just a fishing acquaintance, but a good friend of mine who lives in Oklahoma and I consider him a class act of the highest order.  This is David Campbell


In the middle of the trip, at 3:00 in the middle of the night, Bob got up to take a pee and hears something which turned out to be a boat from Pipestone that overshot our dock as it was the middle of the night and the guy was navigating by the stars.  He says that he wants us to use our satphone to call for help as our friend David Campbell was suffering a heart attack.  Well we did and first light me and Bob head to the Pipestone camp where we see the Pipestone float plane and David Campbell looking beat up all to heck and walking gingerly with assistance from Tom to be flown out to Armstrong and evacuated to Thunder Bay.

After the plane left, Larry and the other David (the remaining 2) were in complete shock.  We asked them if they would like to fish with us that day.  They asked Where?  We said West End.  They said, never been there.  We said it's a must.  So, we go to the West End and the fishing was absolutely on fire! 

Took these 2 back to our camp where I made just the very best Walleye Tacos for lunch and back to camp for these two stellar crappie guide fishermen from Tulsa Oklahoma.

Been a pleasure to hang with these guys for a day as we were all just hurting for our friend.

Ran into these guys the last day and they had the report back that David Campbell did not have a heart attack, but a blood clot in his chest which was treatable.  Praise the Lord!


My peace


Pierogies  :wub:


I'll put my fish up against all comers.  This is a Panko/ Parmesan batch 


Trappers Camp 2018.  Was abandoned in 1982.


This piece of china was discovered for it's value by my brother in the old Trapper Camp rubble.  We brought it back to camp, cleaned off 40 years of bush crud and offer it to our camp as the new "camp ashtray".  Comes with meaning and a story.


See ya next year, God willing


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Pikeslayer8, I just read the previous pages and saw a mostly complete recipe for the panko/parmesan. I would still like a more detailed recipe for the cooking challenged like myself.

But most importantly, how is your wife holding up? If she finding the chaga beneficial at all?

If so, I can send you a boatload of it. My parents drink the stuff daily and swear by it. We've come up with many ingenious/hilarious ways to harvest it over the years, including grappling hooks, tree climbing kits, etc.

Edited by Sterling
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On 6/12/2018 at 1:52 PM, Sterling said:

Pikeslayer8, I just read the previous pages and saw a mostly complete recipe for the panko/parmesan. I would still like a more detailed recipe for the cooking challenged like myself.


This breading is not overpowering the flavor but enhances walleye with a spectacular crunch.

In the picture, shows the bowl that I made the wet batter:  I think a cup of flour covers 6 fish or so.  So flour, lemon pepper, mixed with club soda, hit hard with Tobasco, mixed till relatively thin.  

Dredge the fillets through the wet batter, just covered but not too thick.  If I think I have it too thick I'll strip my fillets with my hands.  Yes it's messy work.

For Walleye Tacos, I keep a gal. ziplock bag for crushing Nacho Cheese Doritoes.  Mix in the crushed dorito in with the Panko.  Run your wet batter laden fillet through the Panko concoction and set in a container.  The Panko will absorb the wet batter so give it a few minutes to rest before frying.


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