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Another limits question


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I could likely find it easy enough but don't have the regs handy.


Can you tell me...If I have my limit of 4 walleyes, can I keep fishing walleyes for C&R?


Thanks in advance

Well if your on the internet, then you have the regs handy.

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Guest gbfisher

On Georgian bay the regs changed this year ..or was it last :dunno: You now can keep two fish under the slot in an aerated livewell (which is your limit)and if you catch one over the slot you may cull and keep the larger one. Same goes if you have one over the slot and you catch a bigger one you can cull that one as well. The regs do state that if you let a fish go and it dies that it is considered part of your daily limit. :blink: Which of course leaves you with questions as to whether it lived or not after you let it go.... :blink:

I think they changed it so the Bass tournaments can keep their limit of bass and cull now with in the law.


Don't quote me.... :rofl2:

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Agreed, to cull fish you need a live well that meets the requirements in the regs (see definition on page 8).


You can C&R but here is the problem. Lets say you have your limit of 4 fish and they are not in a live well (can't be released). Your 5th fish is mortally wounded. You can not release it because it is illegal to abandon fish or let flesh spoil and if you keep it your over your limit. Catch 22!


Your best bet is to keep your limit minus 1. Then C&R until your ready to leave and take the "one more fish" home.


Also, the regs state "Generally, daily catch limits include all fish that are retained for any period of time and not immediately released" (page 9 - ONTARIO'S CATCH AND RETAIN RULES). However, the word immediately is open to interpretation....

Edited by Homer Is King
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The thing is, I was at a lodge last week and we had planned to eat a couple fish for a midnight snack. It never happened so the next day we were at our possesion limit. They said we couldn't fish anymore unless we donated a fish to the camp. It just didn't add up to me.

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i guess "house rules" apply at the lodge but they really aren't the governing body of how and when you fish (though that can be tough when you are in their boat).


while opinions might differ you are not exceeding your possession limit as long as you don't 'possess' the fish.


the interesting thing about your last comment dara is their request to give them some of your limit of 4, and then suddenly you are good to keep fishing???? it seems like they are only aware of the regs that suit them....

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

it was my understanding (and the understanding of a local Justice of the Peace) that provided your are catching and releasing their is nothing in the regs that says you have to stop fishing.


a friend of mine was charged for fishing after he had his limit of specks on a remote lake. it was a 2 hour hike in and he wasn't going to sit there for 5 hours watching other people fishing. a CO attempted to charge him but it was later thrown out by the Justice of the Peace as there is nothing in the regs stating you can't C+R.

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