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Fishing Niagara Falls Area?

Homer Is King

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My work is taking me to the Niagara Falls area for a week or so starting May 9th. It sucks having to leave the family but being free of my parental duties will give me some time to do a little fishing.


I've never fished this area but figure there's has to be some good opportunities. I can't bring my tinny so I'll be fishing from shore. Can anyone point me in the right direction (PM me if you like)? I'll fish for ANYTHING but I'd love to hook into my first steelhead or brown!


If anyone is heading out for an evening fish the week of May 9th and has an open seat I'd be more than happy to fill it and pay my fair share of gas and expenses.

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Dufferen Islands for panfish, Port Dalhousie or Queenston for trout, you can try the whirlpool if your into hellish walks uphill! you might also find a few good spots for shore fishing around Fort Erie for trout or perch in the upper river as well.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Niagara Trip – Day 1


I made my way down to Niagara on Sunday. On the way I hit a small pond west of Niagara Falls. I had heard rumours of crappie and sunfish. First stop was the local corner store for some vending machine worms. I'd never used one before!




I got there at dusk and the water was like glass. Set up my ultralight with a bobber and a small jig and worm and hit the water. I quickly found that there were a lot of fish but they were small, very small! They were very active. I saw 2" sunfish come clean out of the water and go a good foot!



Fish nipping at the surface. It would have been a good time for "sunfish on the fly"!



My biggest bluegill.


This is a small area and I could see about 8 cars on the other side with about 12 people fishing. I think this area is heavily fished and the larger fish are likely already gone...

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Niagara Trip – Day 2


After work I hit the Niagara River hoping for my first Steelhead.









I rigged up my drift set-up and gave it a try. I'd never tried this technique before so it took a bit of experimenting. I had to add some weight but I was soon feeling the tap-tap-tap of bottom as my roe bag floated along.


There were 2-5 other guys there, floating and drifting roe plus 4 guys netting minnows (there shallows were full of them).



I have to admit. It was difficult sensing hints. I can't count how many times I set the hook on nothing. After about an hour I felt a tap that was a little different…I set the hook and feel weight…might be bottom…then I feel a head shake!! FISH ON!! It was a good fight, especially in the current. I couldn't wait to see my first steelhead. I see the fish, hot huge but a good fish. It gets closer, I see the mouth on the bottom, a SUCKER!!!.


It was a good sucker, a fat 19", but no steelhead!




The roe wasn't working so I tried chucking a 3/4 oz blue and silver cleo for a bit but no luck.


the sucker was the only fish caught. My steel head cheery is still in tacked. Maybe next time...


Here's my drift setup:



A three-way with a slinky (5/8 oz worth of shot in a mesh tube) and a 5 ft leader of 8lb fluorocarbon to a #12 hook baited with orange roe bag.

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Niagara Trip - Day 3


Thought I'd head to the upper Niagara today. The Chippawa River looked like a good spot so off I went. I found a spot that looked great. It was a back eddy off the main current. There was lots of structure and it was stacked with minnows! Where there's pray there should be predators, right!? I washed a bunch of lures but no luck. This looked like a great spot and I'm hoping to get back to it.








After supper I headed over to Port Dalhousie. I didn't like the idea of standing out in the wind on the pier so I fished closer to the lock. There is still a good current here. I went back to drifting roe and worms. There was a fish breaking the surface every once and a while so that gave me hope! I tried some spinners but nadda.




I did snag this ball of zebra mussels. I really had to pull to get it out. This is why I love fluorocarbon for a leader!




The sun was setting so I went home!

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Day 4


I decided to go back to Queenston for another kick at steelhead (or suckers). There were a bunch of people there. They were using a mixed bag of tricks; large spoons, large tube jigs, roe, and even a grub jig! I went back to drifting roe. I was there about an hour and no fish were caught. I'm thinking the weather was the issue. It was the hottest day of the year, bright and sunny, not very good for trout fishing.


I did see my first flock of goslings for the year.


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