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Spring Opener in Algonquin !


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Greetings fellow outdoorsmen !


First time poster, long time follower . . . Just love this site !


I've been trollin' the boards now for a bit, and haven't had the best luck finding some information regarding Trout fishing. I love the pics people post about what they catch.. (just makes me more jealous dammit ! lol ) so, I propose a few questions , and maybe you guys could help me out ?!?!

My first question I have for you guys is this . . .

What is the best "from shore" technique for Trout fishing in Algonquin Park ?!

I'm going up twice this April, this weekend to scope out spots, caches some GPS spots and check the Ice Out (website says the lakes are still covered, but after the rain and warmer weather, I'm hope it will be breaking up)


My next trip up in on the 23rd. Trout opener . . and it would be nice to know a few tips from you "pros" before I head out. I've done some internet reading, and watched some YouTube videos... but would like to hear from some experienced Trout fishermen who have been up to Algonquin before.


We are heading in from the East Gate, most likely walking the rails west from Achray up to the cart path, and then North to Rowan Lake. Or if the ice is full out at the end of the month, then we were going south off Grand, down to Wenda (however, if I have more time, I would love to portage through Carcajou and the Lower Spectacles.


My second question, not trying to steal anyones "spot", but am just curious as to some good locations for Brookies (well, to be honest, any trout would make me ecstatic) . I've heard they stocked Wenda and Rowan back in '08, hence why I want to go there . . .

but are there some good spots that are walkable from access roads ? Anywhere off the road from East Gate to Lake Traverse ? (my concern is not having ice out by the end of April, and not being able to Canoe in to the good spots! )


Thanks in advance for the help guys !



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Try some of the lakes on the Western Uplands Hiking trail.



Thanks for the tip !


Might have to check that out later in the season. I think is a little too far for a 2-3 day trip (I'm from Ottawa)

I know the Western side is full of great Trout spots . . . I guess I can't be too greedy in hoping there is good Trout close around Ottawa.

Edited by Uncle Vito
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I doubt your trip this weekend will be of any benefit, other than enjoying a day in Algonquin.


The lakes are and will still be locked up tight this weekend.


On the east side of the park check the Algonquin park stocking lists.


Look especially close for lakes in Stratton township that are stocked heavily.


Fish these lakes and you will catch fish.



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Stocking lists are valuable tools for targeting Brookies. You can hand pick a lake that has the potential to cough up a trophy by fishing lakes that have 4 or 5 year old fish in them. Or you can fish lakes that have younger, and smaller fish, but most likely higher numbers.

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....I doubt your trip this weekend will be of any benefit, other than enjoying a day in Algonquin.....




.....Look especially close for lakes in Stratton township that are stocked heavily.....






LoL. Thats what I figured... the real reason I am going up this weekend is actually a reading error. I stupidly forgot to ready "exceptions" in the fishing regulations book, and thought Trout was open Jan 1st. (stupid me) . Either way, we were camping first, and fishing second. Now it looks like we are camping first and camping second !


I'm not to sure of the Township boundaries, but i'm sure I can Google a map somewhere ...


also, thanks for the stocking list. Looks like I might be spending my entire summer in the park =)

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Fish these lakes and you will catch fish.




Are all of your stocked fish of the same age Mike? I had a look at the list you provided and found it strange that the age of the stocked fish weren't provided. Our local stocked Brook Trout lakes are stocked with a variety of age groups such as fry, yearlings, and even adult fish on occasion.

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LoL. Thats what I figured... the real reason I am going up this weekend is actually a reading error. I stupidly forgot to ready "exceptions" in the fishing regulations book, and thought Trout was open Jan 1st. (stupid me) . Either way, we were camping first, and fishing second. Now it looks like we are camping first and camping second !


I'm not to sure of the Township boundaries, but i'm sure I can Google a map somewhere ...


also, thanks for the stocking list. Looks like I might be spending my entire summer in the park =)


If you have an Algonquin park canoe routes map you should have no problem finding the lakes on the stocking lists.


Good luck on your trip.


I'm slated to head into the park May 4th and I'm worried myself about ice out.

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I'm slated to head into the park May 4th and I'm worried myself about ice out.


Ditto...Except I'm headed in on the 27th.

I heard the ice is still fairly thick in many area's...Saw Pictures of people walking across Opeongo, Cache and Smoke from 6 days ago, but I heard the last couple of days they had Rain so thats promising.

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Are all of your stocked fish of the same age Mike? I had a look at the list you provided and found it strange that the age of the stocked fish weren't provided. Our local stocked Brook Trout lakes are stocked with a variety of age groups such as fry, yearlings, and even adult fish on occasion.


Not sure Dan. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that with the odd notable exception, Algonquin is stocked with fry.



Ditto...Except I'm headed in on the 27th.

I heard the ice is still fairly thick in many area's...Saw Pictures of people walking across Opeongo, Cache and Smoke from 6 days ago, but I heard the last couple of days they had Rain so thats promising.



Good luck to you. I think the 27th is optimistic but you never know.

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I live on the Barron Canyon rd here in Pembroke and can pretty well guarantee that we will still be frozen for opening wknd. Lots of ice still and still very tight to shore. Actually drove my ATV on a small lake outside the park today. I have only ice fished in the park on the opener once in my life before, but if I was still as brave (read stupid) as I was when I was younger, I believe that this could be another yr that it would be possible to do so. There is a lot of snow to melt still in the bush to create some more run-off to get things going but for some reason this yr the snow is stubborn....it seems to be holding on with a death grip!

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I live on the Barron Canyon rd here in Pembroke and can pretty well guarantee that we will still be frozen for opening wknd. Lots of ice still and still very tight to shore. Actually drove my ATV on a small lake outside the park today. I have only ice fished in the park on the opener once in my life before, but if I was still as brave (read stupid) as I was when I was younger, I believe that this could be another yr that it would be possible to do so. There is a lot of snow to melt still in the bush to create some more run-off to get things going but for some reason this yr the snow is stubborn....it seems to be holding on with a death grip!



Thank you Simon. Could you keep us updated as the month progresses?

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Sure, I can check in as the opener draws closer...and passes, to let you know how the thaw is progressing. I am just as anxious as everyone else so I keep my eye on it.lol..



I am familiar with both of those lakes, they are 10-15kms from my house. Johnny lake is not a trout lake....it was at one time but it is connected to the Wet/Sec lake chain that has seen the introduction of bass and pike....good fun but not what I suspect you are looking for. Wee Trout is on the shortlist for the Pembroke district stocking program but has seen it's numbers decrease over the yrs. It is described as a put and take lake and I personally believe that is exactly what it is, as only first yr class stockers seem to be caught. Winterkill perhaps. Google the Pembroke stocking lists and you will find other lakes in the area that will fit your criteria. Lakes with a large amount stocked are generally the lakes that the Ministry gets the most angling success feedback. Good Luck.

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Good luck to you. I think the 27th is optimistic but you never know.


I Have faith....22nd is my guess.

Rain and warm temps forecast....6 days of warm weather (up to 15 degrees)and 50ml of rain should get it started along nicely :)

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been to johnny.. seriously, if you want to catch big specks goto Quebec. its insane. theres a place very close to pembroke that i could mention and you would have no problem hauling in a few 4lb specks easy. as for algonquin,, animoosh, kennedy and coldspring are the best,, but i doubt you'd want to go that far in. north river lake provides very good speckle fishing in the river part and good laker fishing in the lake. caught a 3.5lb squartail in merganser.. algonquin gets hit too hard every year,, cormorants are taking over also.

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been to johnny.. seriously, if you want to catch big specks goto Quebec. its insane. theres a place very close to pembroke that i could mention and you would have no problem hauling in a few 4lb specks easy. as for algonquin,, animoosh, kennedy and coldspring are the best,, but i doubt you'd want to go that far in. north river lake provides very good speckle fishing in the river part and good laker fishing in the lake. caught a 3.5lb squartail in merganser.. algonquin gets hit too hard every year,, cormorants are taking over also.


Welcome to the board, check your pm's.

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Torrential rain on the wknd really kicked the thaw into high gear here on the Achray side of the Park. The ice has pulled a good 4ft from shore and has gotten very honeycombed over the last 48hrs. I ATV'd into the Sand Lake gate from home yesterday...the water is flowing big time all of a sudden and really chewing up the ice. The Barron Canyon rd was washed out around mileage 8-9 making it impasseable for vehicle traffic by the end of the day when I was on my way back. This morning an AFA truck was headed in as well as an excavator on a float, so I can only imagine they were going to fix the washout....will check it out later. Although the thaw is definitely underway I am not convinced that a week and a half will see it all gone in time for the opener. My earlier prediction of being able to ice fish this yr on the opener, however, has quickly been put to rest by the recent extreme rain and warm temps with high winds (thank God).


I will keep checking for those that are interested.


Gonk_Guy,...You hit the nail on the head about Quebec....They manage it properly IMO and grow them big!



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