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Hey hey... :)


I haven't posted in awhile but after a long winter I'm so itchin for some Fishin...


Has anyone ever fished the Spring run White bass, or White Perch? I heard a couple of years back about people hitting them by Toronto Waterfront in the Ontario place channel and the Channels leading into the Don from cherry street...


I have never caught one yet and I'd love to this spring..


Any info or tips would be more appreciated




Caught one once in Georgian Bay in the middle of summer a couple of years ago. Good fight for the size. I'm not sure where to find them around the GTA though.


I did catch them often when young at the mouth of Lake Ontario tribs or estuary parts on #2 or #4 Panther Martins.

They were in these areas last week of May first couple of weeks of June very specifically. The odd jumbo perch and some other surprises like drum and pike would hit at this time as well.

Hope this hleps :canadian:


White perch and white bass are two different critters. White perch spawn at the end of May and can be caught in many bays and inlets off off the Lake. I don't know about white bass.


I have heard of them being caught at the inlet at cherry st. and around there.


I haven't fished much of the Toronto harbor but I would figure in all those man made channels and lagoons there must be lot's of fishing opportunities. Worth a shot, especially with the gas prices right now. Can't be going up to Erie or Muskokas as often anymore...

  On 4/2/2011 at 9:26 PM, ehg said:

I did catch them often when young at the mouth of Lake Ontario tribs or estuary parts on #2 or #4 Panther Martins.

They were in these areas last week of May first couple of weeks of June very specifically. The odd jumbo perch and some other surprises like drum and pike would hit at this time as well.

Hope this hleps :canadian:


Hey Hey...


That has to be one of the most informative responses I've ever received on here. lol


Which mouths and estuaries exactly? I was guessing the Humber, plus i hear good things about the inner harbor around Ontario Place.


The Credit between Lakeshore & QEW has a good run late may to mid June.

As has been said small spinners work really well.

It's best if you have a canoe or car topper to really get into them as shore access is pretty tough.


THE spots in the GTA used to be the Lakeview and Hearn Generating Stations. Unfortunately, they're both out of commission. Spinners, worms, and white jigs (esp. white Beetle spins) used to work really well.


It's not the GTA but I the Niagara River gets a huge run. Don't know much about the Niagara run but I'd guess late May early June.

  On 4/3/2011 at 12:35 AM, John C said:

Hey Hey...



Which mouths and estuaries exactly? I was guessing the Humber, plus i hear good things about the inner harbor around Ontario Place.

Try the mouth of the Rouge, Duffins, or Oshawa Creek in late May/early June. Any where you can get access at this time might work. Throwing #3 or #4 Blue Fox vibrax spinners might get you a pike in same areas as well.

Good Luck :Gonefishing:

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