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Today on Simcoe


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Well, you're a better man than I am! FishnSled and I hit Sibbald PP yesterday in search of the mighty Perch... our feeling being that we can get sheer numbers out of Cook's, but we were hoping for more size yesterday.

Well, dragging the portable hut across that god foresaken ice/snow/ poo was exhausting, even for the two of us.

We barely managed to get to 15 fow before both of us looked at each other and said, that'll do!

The fishing sucked, so we have decided that we would much rather catch 150+ perch and only bring back ten, then catch 10 and only bring back 5!

We would have made the trek out to Whitie land, but it just wasn't happening.

Kudo's to you for your efforts, but I would not ever count on anyone to get me out of a situation. That's what was going through my head when we were out there yesterday... yah, we could probably get out to deep water, but I don't know how the heck I'm gonna get everything back in! LOL


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Way to work!



Nice Report Emil! Caught up with you Chevy once last season - if you ever need a ride just flag me down anytime! Look for a blue skidoo and suit with orange hoodie, and a limit of whities, lakers AND ling cod. Lol.


It's been a tough start for the Whities and Lakers so far this year. Though, I think I've finally figured them out this past weekend. Took a lot of running and gunning but it payed off big time.


See you on the ice and Cheers!





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Hey John,

how are you doing Bud?

Sure remember you....how could I not....and all that Ling ha ha ha...got to get together some time for sure...

Now if you in the meantime decide to sale that machine of yours....feel free to PM me :thumbsup_anim:

Whities have been playing hard ball so far this season but with bit of extra work, not impossible to get into them...

So yes, got to get together and compare notes :Gonefishing:



Ice Fisherman

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Good job on the whities! I feel your pain, I did the same type of thing hauling out heavy gear in the deep snow and a marathon walk with TonyB and a couple buds. We couldn't continue to better grounds and only had 2 bites and a skunk to show for our aching bones :lol: You persevered and got a couple good fish! Nice job. TonyB and I have said for the past few years.. "next year I will have a sled!". And every year we forget how bad the walk is and don't buy one :lol: One of these years we will have machines!

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Wow John, those are impressive ling! Did you get those on Simcoe? If so, would you mind sharing your technique for catching them? I've never caught a ling before, and I would like to try for them.. although I don't plan on keeping any lol. Feel free to PM me if you like. I'm not looking for any of your secrets, just want an idea where to start. Thanks. I've heard dead bait on bottom at night works? They are a cool looking fish. I gues you eat them?

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Hahaha Love that challenge Lincoln....waiting on John to confirm ;-)

Been trying to hook up with Aaron for while so here is the opportunity...and yes I too keep promissing myself to buy me a machine and then forget but it just might happen this year :clapping:

How about this Thursday or Friday?



Ice Fisherman

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Jaysus man...15km! That is madness.....i salute you :thumbsup_anim::clapping::worthy::stretcher:


I too would love to have seen the cops face as he pulled over the 'sweaty,orange juice pervert guy that smelled of cucumber(whitefish smell like cucumber imo)


Got your limit....well worth the effort, jeeze...what a lunatic you are Emil...thats some trek you went on.

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Hahaha Love that challenge Lincoln....waiting on John to confirm ;-)

Been trying to hook up with Aaron for while so here is the opportunity...and yes I too keep promissing myself to buy me a machine and then forget but it just might happen this year :clapping:

How about this Thursday or Friday?



Ice Fisherman


I work on the weekdays, but I'll be heading out on the weekend. Either Sat or Sun, haven't decided yet. I have a good spot that should produce well for numbers (packing very light this time so I can get to it :lol: ), then I plan to hit an exploratory spot on the way back in for giant perch. Send me a PM Emil if you want to hook up, would love to fish with you. It's been a few years since I saw you on the ice. It was when I was fishing with Don McCaw and we all fished together for a while... you were putting on a clinic with your Williams :thumbsup_anim:


At least I'm not the only crazy nut out there walking a marathon to fish whities :D

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I remember that trip Aaron...it was lots of fun. If not mistaken Don from Ice Guidez was there too...haven't seen him recently though he is almost a neighbor...taking my son to soccer on Saturdays...so that is out....trying to see if I can get out tomorrow or Friday but that depends if I manage to find find someone with a machine to go together....no much luck so far....and John hasn't replied yet...don't know if I can do second 15 km trip in 4 days :rolleyes:


As far as crazy ha ha ha I've seen a lot of your extreme reports so you are solid competition in the crazy department :clapping:


So I'll have to wait and see what happens between now and Saturday night before confirming for Sunday walk...one way or another we'll do some whitie hunting with you....just matter of when exactly ;-)


To be continued....



Ice FIsherman

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hey guys, I might be heading out with the sled Sunday( wont know for sure till Friday night)... After i heard about all the slush out there. I think ill just keep the party to two :)... Rough on the old sled going back and forth. Tight lines!

Edited by cityfisher
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Ya Emil, that is who I was fishing with, Don McCaw from Ice Guidez.


Looks like I will be going Sunday. Thanks for the offer Cityfisher, but looks like I will have a few people with me walking out.


Good luck this week and weekend everyone!


Well Aaron,


I may see you on Sunday then...not sure yet but it looks as the only day this week it could work out for me.

Will keep my eyes open for your group.

Who knows we may still bump into each other... :thumbsup_anim:



Ice Fisherman

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Hey guys,


Sorry for the delayed response - been super busy with report cards this week. Let's hook up for a trip sometime this winter for sure! I can be reached at [email protected]. I'll be out on Simcoe running and gunning a number of spots tomorrow morning.


As for the Ling Cod on Simcoe, they are definitely there but it does takes a lot of luck to consistently get into them. We were in 75+FOW near a shoal. They spawn mid winter underneath the ice so focusing on fishing structure is the key. The williams or sweedish pimple spoon tipped with a minnow got a bunch of them as they keyed into the fishy smell.


Be safe and Good Luck!


~Ryan (John Kimble)



P.S - GREAT episodes and videos Aaron!

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