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Got the lines wet


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As I posted a couple of weeks ago, I lost my closest friend unexpectedly and just didn't have any desire to fish or really leave the house.


Compounded with all this was a shortfall in work for 3 weeks that has been a challenge to say the least.


I had been asked to co-chair a small retreat for some guys in a fellowship that I have been engaged with for the past 19 years. It was an honour to be asked.


The retreat was in the Muskoka's and it couldn't have come at a better time for me personally.


On the way up, I got to stop at the tradition halfway point for us.



The line up was short and we were outa there in ten minutes flat.



The retreat was at one of my friends cottage near Dorset. Great area... Iloved it that my cell phone was intermittent at best up there.



I didn't even unpack and headed down to the dock to check the water out. Clear water... no worries, i would fish it later that night with top waters in the dark.


As the other guys were arriving, they all wanted to go fishing. lol

These guys are NEW to fishing so I knew I was gonna be in for a challenge with "love and tolerance".. :wallbash:


Three of them were all excited to go fishing at daybreak with me Saturday morning. ( so they said late friday night)


None of them were anywhere near waking up at 6 am. I made a coffee and consumed some toast as quietly as I could. :blush:


I had the boat to myself :whistling:


The water was calm, and a loon was calling its mate and everything was just as it should be right then in my world..


I tossed a top water plug(Matzuo) off the dock and with the first cast got this



This was a sign of thing to come for the next 45 minutes or so.


I didn't know the lake at all, so I just trolled along the edge looking for promising weed lines, points and inlets.


Caught a dozen or so small LM bass but nothing to take a pic of until I caught this one. It wasn't too big, but it was an aerial artist and was worthy of a pick just for the fight it put up. :blink:



( I think my NEW Blackberry has a better camera in it too)


I caught a couple more that size and then had to head back to the cottage for the first session of our retreat.


As i was slow trolling in, I was reflecting on my journey with my deceased friend and all the great talks and laughs and rounds of golf we played over the past 17 years. I choked back a few tears when a bald eagle flew overhead and I sensed my friends presence watching over me.


Being with my Creator and having time to do contemplative meditation on the water is something I learned from my friend and it was a definite example of "teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime" to me.


After our morning retreat session and a healthy lunch, the "fisherman" wanted to go out and GET SOME BIG FISH.


Okaaay,,, lets go :canadian:


These guys are not your average fisherman to say the least....




Thank goodness we had an 18 ft boat,, nobody got a hook in the eye and we managed pretty well in fishing the water column from four sides of the boat.


Let me say this, they were IN TO IT and persisted even though they only had one hit in the two hours we were out.


The calmness of the water really slowed these guys down and they all had afternoon naps when we got back to the cottage. I had one too. :blush:


We arranged to have our Saturday evening session start earlier so that we could catch the tail end of the sunset fishing hour.


All four of us were on the two docks on this property and were getting hits like crazy on various top water lures. None of them landed one, but watching their excitement and hearing their screams of enthusiasm as they listened to the splashes of bass going after their lures in the dark was a great gift to me. I wish they had landed one though. Next time.


After they went back up to the cottage, I stayed on the dock for more quiet time with my fishing rod and the great Creator. It was so quiet and the stars reflection in the water was a sight i wont soon forget.


I caught a couple of small LM bass and a few BIG rock bass in the hour after the boys left the docks. ( these docks are right in the middle of a channel between two lakes ;)


I lost a BIG fish and knew I was in for a perfect ending to a great day.


On the last cast of the evening, this baby hit and I took it in to the cottage for a quick pic ( my new Blackberry doesn't have a flash on it. :o )




The boys wanted to cook it. I said "NOPE, it's going back in to get even bigger for next year". They looked at me kinda funny :tease:


I got it back in the water quickly and it swam away after a minute or so of reviving it.


This morning I was back at it, but no fish were to be caught today. No matter. I caught about 15 or so fish over the previous 48 hrs and the weekend was all in His hands.


It felt good to get the line wet and it was a pleasure to fish with these new and eager fishermen.


I think i will do it again soon. ;)

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I am sadden to hear of your friend/mentor's passing. I enjoyed reading about your fishing and the excitement of your friends. I also enjoyed reading about your quiet moments on the water reflecting. I have always found it therapeutic being on the water, I hope you have all the opportunities you need, perhaps with the guys from this past weekend. Thanks for taking the time to write this up and to share it.

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I am sadden to hear of your friend/mentor's passing. I enjoyed reading about your fishing and the excitement of your friends. I also enjoyed reading about your quiet moments on the water reflecting. I have always found it therapeutic being on the water, I hope you have all the opportunities you need, perhaps with the guys from this past weekend. Thanks for taking the time to write this up and to share it.


Well said Bly


Ron ...All the best ...brush off the dust and keep on fishing ...good to see you back on the horse (so ta speak)

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Hey Splash - glad to see you got out. thumbsup_anim.gif Best therapy for a sad heart. And I'll bet that eagle smiled too! You never know, you may become to one of you "newbie anglers" what your fishin bud was to you - a guide in more ways than one. Keep on casting....

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