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Our Families Great Day On The Water


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I'm sure Ryan will be posting the full wrap up on the days events soon, but, for now here is our families perspective through some pics.


Headed for Deer Creek conservation aiming for a 7:30 arrival. We love the campground and lake, had actually spent three nights there last year. Couldn't wait to get out on the water for this worthwhile event. Met up with Ryan and the rest of the group, launched the boat, got the details of the day and we all posed for a group shot (Ryan took this one with Juli's camera)




Heading out on the water...this in no way was a "tournament" all about raising money and having fun, but, an all electric motor "blast off" is pretty funny!!




First fish of the day, Carl's nice Bluegill-





Carl with another, Pumpkinseed this time-




Ryan, his crew and the Mini-Me boat, lol-




Ceagan and Carl with a caterpillar...the boys love clams/snails/frogs etc, as much as fishing




Juli with a small (tough fishing with the massive cold front) largie-




Setting up some fun for the kids at Ryan's place






Chowing down...what a great spread...big thanks to Ryan's mrs and mother-in-law!!! The food was great!




This one is out of focus due to excitement (LOL) Juli and Ryan after the announcement that she had raised the most pledges, and, had won the choice of a charter with Lloyd or a great prize pack of stuff from Dave Mercer. No offence Dave, but, she didn't hesitate in taking the half day in June with Lloyd!!! Yeah, I know, Lloyd another chance for her to "out-fish" me!




A BIG round of applause for Ryan, the man who put this event together!!!!!




I'm not going to go into big detail on the numbers, etc...that is for Ryan. Just wanted to show our perspective on the day. What a great event for an even greater cause. REALLY BIG THANKS to all who donated, as well as the sponsors that offered up such great prizes to all the participants!!!!!!

You all know who you are :clapping:


Ryan, you have the full support of Juli and I for next years event (let's make it even more successful)!!! Your family's hospitality afterwards was fantastic as well. Can't wait for FISH-A-THON FOR CANCER 3!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by FRANKIE65
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Glad you guys had a good time Frank! Congrats to Juli on getting the most pledges ( she just keeps beating you! haha) and I can't wait to get together with you guys for next year's event! The boys were awesome to! Good kids!


Thanks again!




Thanks, Ryan!! Going to have to get you to e-mail a few of those pics to us!!

Great shots, looks like you guys had a blast after we left, as well!!

As for Juli, beating me...the competition continues :lol: As for my wager with Rick and Vince...Juli and I pretty much tied on big fish (and it wasn't very big) I threw in the extra $20 under Rick and Vince's names!

Thanks for the comments on the boys...the twins were standing here reading this, I said "he doesn't know you very well, LOL"...they were great yesterday, and enjoyed particating in the event...especially knowing that it was all going to cancer research (after Jacob passing away last week).

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Tied huh? Really..... how convenient.sarcasm.gif

_ I'm still good for then tenner then Frank. Next time we hitch up I square with ya.

Nice going - I hope next year I can be there in it as opposed to watchig from the sidelines


Don't worry about the ten, Rick! Tie goes to the lady, I put it in already. Let's try and get out at least one more time soon...walleyes, trout/salmon you name it!

Hope you make it out next year as well...Ryan, Dan and Shawn did an awesome job putting it together quickly this year. Next year Juli and I are hoping to have a bigger role as well, and, with a little more time and preparation...that $4500 mark should be shattered!!

I'll send you a PM soon.

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