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just askin, on behalf of my wife


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Its great to have a bunch of women fishers together for a day of fishing. I have to admit, I tend to shy away from fishing with men due to their condesending attitude especially in BC here. Especially when they came out with all that PINK colored fishing gear. I wouldn't be caught dead with that stuff. And the farther away from crowds and meat holes where you find men taking their better half as well. Kudos to the guys who have a female partner who likes to bushwack and get off the beaten path! My husband and I travel all over just to specifically fish and we are pretty competitive against each other. We never share our fly or gear boxes, or rods and reels. That would just be sacrilege!


Plus, it was a bonus that I met my husband on a fishing forum when I was working at a fishing lodge in Terrace, BC. He was living down on Vancouver Island. So we first met face to face at the Campbell River Fishing Derby where we realized we were both hard core fishers and battled it out to win Second Place. I couldn't imagine any better first date!


I am amazed that more women don't fish on a regular basis.








Vancouver Island




Skeena Cutthroat




Queen Charlotte Islands Coho




Pallant River on QCI







Have fun!

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Julie loves fishing. Bugs me all the time to go out. She caught a 13 pound walleye her first time out with me. I don't really think she quite grasps how big a deal that is..lol.

She learned how to use a baitcaster in ten minutes and still has yet to toss up a birds nest. I will take pictures if she does, though.

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