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Bad government

Guest Johnny Bass

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Sure they have lower taxes. They are poor nations. You cant get blood out of a stone. This is all about exploitation of the poor. Not taxes or less government. The poor have been exploited since the beginning of economics.


Then how do you explain the EXPLOSION of JOBS and DEVELOPMENT in many of the southern states like NC, etc.........


BTW if not happy with your private sector job you can always leave Canada and head to Cuba or China where they have your type of socialism but I wouldn't recommend it.



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Then how do you explain the EXPLOSION of JOBS and DEVELOPMENT in many of the southern states like NC, etc.........


BTW if not happy with your private sector job you can always leave Canada and head to Cuba or China where they have your type of socialism but I wouldn't recommend it.




Yep - Johnny should move to Cuba, China, or buy a time machine and move to 1980s russia.

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Guest Johnny Bass

Then how do you explain the EXPLOSION of JOBS and DEVELOPMENT in many of the southern states like NC, etc.........


BTW if not happy with your private sector job you can always leave Canada and head to Cuba or China where they have your type of socialism but I wouldn't recommend it.




Debt? Using taxes from rich states like California and New York to pay minimums? They are under developed states and will work for less.


Why? Are there no public sector jobs in Canada? :rolleyes: Actually at the current rate, there wont be very soon....


And I'm a socialist, not a communist.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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Guest Johnny Bass

Yep - Johnny should move to Cuba, China, or buy a time machine and move to 1980s russia.


You know? I remember talking to some immigrants from other countries and they were telling me that in the old days before industrialization enslaved their country? Everyone lived happy and no one went without food. Everyone had their piece of land and owned a home and didn't have to possess a 25 to 50 year mortgage to do so.

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Debt? Using taxes from rich states like California and New York to pay minimums? They are under developed states and will work for less.


Why? Are there no public sector jobs in Canada? :rolleyes: Actually at the current rate, there wont be very soon....


And I'm a socialist, not a communist.


Any socialist-based economies that you think are doing well (where you'd want to live)?


btw - New York and California are two of the biggest private sector innovation states in the US...remove the private sector and they both become very poor.

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Actually it worked out quite well and there was less poverty in the USSR then there is in North America. But there was corruption there as well. But what I suggest is not communism. Where the gov not only owns enterprises but everything else. I believe in people being able to own a home and such.


The reason the USSR fell is because they were being undermined by an emperor with no clothes. All the money the west used to undermine the USSR was made out of thin air.


Can you imagine if I had my own country and I could make money out of thin air? I can lure the best scientists and minds away from all the countries.


Its like Canada trying to compete with the US. They are taking all our doctors and with what?

Debt. Money backed by absolutely nothing.


If money was still backed by gold, Russia's economy would be massive.



But the main reason the USSR fell was? World war II. Russia's economy and Europe's as well was left in ruins. And because of North America's geological position? Its land was not attacked and its economy remained intact. It Germany or Japan were located where Mexico is? The North American economy would have been shattered, and Russia would have been bragging about how Socialism is superior.


Capitalism is not working, Thats for sure. It works for a bit, when you are going on a buying spree with your debt dollars but then when it comes time to pay the piper, your in trouble, because people over spend when the bill is left to someone else(the taxpayer).




Less poverty? You would have to ask the people in food lines for hours to get a loaf of bread.


I remember the USSR falling due to massive public revolt. Thank goodness they kept the tanks in check for once.


Funny how Western Europe was able to thrive after the war, while Eastern Europe, under the yoke of your mighty USSR, wallowed in poverty and under dictatorship for decades.


With all due respect Johnny, it seems you need to study your history. Socialism spawned the Berlin Wall, not so much to keep others out, but to keep their own people from fleeing to the west for freedom and the chance for a better life.


Maybe they just wanted to buy their liquor from a non-government store, perish the thought.

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Johnny ole boy you got me thinking.....not in your direction but still thinking.........


There are not too many services that government and the private sector compete in but I did think of one......mail delivery of PACKAGES...only packages because here in the USA it's illegal for FedEx or UPS to deliver FIRST CLASS MAIL (gee I wonder WHY)......but anyways there is no comparison here....FedEx and UPS are MUCH better then the USPS delivering packages from point A to point B.


Maybe you have a couple of examples in your favor...I would be interested in listening....


BTW the ONLY reason the cold war ended is because the Russians couldn't compete with the USA in technology. Capitalism brings out the BEST in EVERYONE.



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